Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feeling Neglected?

A little over a month ago Holly asked if I was still going to love her once Qyntn was born.  It about broke my heart.  I reassured her that I would always love her.  Now that Q's here and taking up a lot of my time and attention I wonder if the girls are feeling neglected.  I've tried to keep things as normal as possible but that's not an easy task.  I feel like I'm running on empty.  I'm not getting enough sleep and it makes me irritable and less patient and I hate to admit it, but my girls aren't getting my best me.  I've got to do better!

But this is what the girls have been up to lately...they have lots of homework everyday (I don't think I had homework until 6th grade, what's the deal?), and they practice the piano daily. They were in soccer during August and September, now they have basketball twice a week, and I try to sneak in some fun every now and then.  It keeps us very busy!

School Pictures

Flow Rider at Lindon pool

I love you girls! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Who Does Q Look Like?

baby Tiago

baby Qyntn
Everyone keeps asking Who Qyntn looks like.  Minus the bottom lip, I'd say he looks an awful lot like Tiago. 

The Final 14

During my pregnancy I was super worried about gaining weight and getting stretch marks.  I religiously slathered myself with cocoa butter, and exercised until 2 days before I gave birth (minus the 12 weeks I was puking round the clock).   Luckily I avoided the stretch marks, but I did gain 44 pounds.  Come to find out, most of that weight must have come from the baby and water retention because I dropped 30 pounds in two weeks, YAY!  Now it's time to focus on the final 14, and getting some muscle tone back.  I have some dang cute old jeans I'd like to be able to fit into some day.