Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tulip Festival

I got to go on a field trip with the girls to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point, it was lovely!

Jack and the Beanstalk

Alyssa and Holly have been taking a musical drama class for the past 4 months and have loved every minute.  Last night we finally got to see the musical they have been rehearsing for and ranting and raving about.  They didn't have a major part in the show but they both did an excellent job on their speaking parts.  Alyssa got a bit of stage fright and went totally blank for a second but recovered nicely.  Well done ladies!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Holly's Last Single Digit Year!

Holly is 9...she loves yellow

Money from grandma and grandpa
and Webkinz

and for dinner when we celebrated with our family!

She also loves Krispy Kreme...
we went there for breakfast on her birthday...

and she wanted a "colorful" cake. 
So that is exactly what she got!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Project BASEMENT Update

Plans:  check
Permit: check
Framing: check
HVAC: check
Plumbing: check
Electrical: check (a bazillion thanks to grandpa Willy for helping us!)
Inspection: passed
Insulation:  check (oh my itchy, itchy eyes)

Next up: Drywall!  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Crazy Hair Day!

I had been wanting to have a family crazy hair day for a long time....finally made it happen!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Water Maniac

Took the kids swimming tonight and found out that Q is a maniac in the pool.  He loved every second!  Check out his smile.  We gotta be on our toes with this little guy....

Go Wisconsin!

For FHE Ben decided we would watch the NCAA national championship basketball game.  Since Gonzaga had been ousted mid tournament we didn't really care who won, so we let the kids pick a team to cheer for.  They picked Wisconsin and had fun getting decked out for the big game.

We even let them paint on us.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Daddy Time on the Trampoline!

These kids are pretty lucky.  They have a very fun daddy!

Another Hair Tutorial

So pretty Reyn!...This was taken at the end
of the day.  It was kinda falling out, but
turned out so pretty!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jail Bird No More!

Look who's out of jail, JULIE!!  Yay!  She spent 600+ days in the clink but we're glad she's out, and hope she never goes back.  We love you Julie, and we missed you Tara!

Easter Weekend

Mountain View egg hunt

always fun to see cousins!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools :-)

I've never really been one to go all out on April Fools jokes, but the kids appreciate even the cheap simple ones.  Two years ago we gathered all the kids together and showed them my positive pregnancy test (from when I had Q) and told them we were having ANOTHER baby.  They were so excited and then so disappointed when it wasn't really so.  Last year I did the replace the inside of the Oreos with toothpaste trick, which was a big hit.  This year I went with a classic, I short-sheeted the girls beds.  I also taped rotini pasta to the bottom of the toilet seat so that when they sat down it sounded like they cracked the seat.  We definitely had some smiles and laughter around here tonight.  Good clean fun!