Sunday, May 29, 2016

Family Vacation Day 1

We hit the road nice and early so we could have an adventurous hike at Kanarraville falls.  It was spectacular!  Family friendly and fun!

The kids were super brave on the natural waterslide!

After the hike we got to spend the evening with the Stevenson's.  The kids love seeing their cousins.
Thank you so much for letting us crash at your place!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

We're going to Disneyland!

They did it!  The kids earned a trip to Disneyland.  They read the Book of Mormon and said their personal prayers for 75 days and did 25 acts of service each.  Hooray!!

We had told them we wouldn't plan the trip until after they had finished all the requirements, but the truth is, we planned it over a month ago and totally surprised them this morning.  While they were eating breakfast we sprung it on them.  We told them to get dressed and jump in the car.  We already had it all packed up and ready to go.  So fun!

This is our first real family vacation.  In the 5 years we've been married, we've gone to Washington to see Ben's family and gone to family reunions, but this is the first time it has just been us, our own little family, and I am so excited.  I hope it is "magical."

To help encourage our kids to be on their best behavior we are trying out something new.  We gave each kid 2 rolls of quarters ($20) to spend on the trip.  Every time they argue, or complain, cause issues, or leave garbage in the car they have to give us one of their quarters.  It has worked beautifully so far.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Will I Survive Summer?

This is my "I don't know if we will survive summer" look.  Every year I make a goal not to yell at my kids the entire summer.  Last year I made it 6 weeks.  This year I made it 3 1/2 hours.  Might be a really long summer.  New goal:  don't yell at the kids for 24 hours.  Taking it one day at a time.  #thestruggleisreal

5th Graders!

Senora Call

Miss Gurr

All A's....their dad owes them $100

He loves to be a part of everything!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Ghetto, But Still Fun!

Trafalga has definitely seen better days.  It is kinda Ghetto, but we went there Monday evening and had the place almost entirely to ourselves which made it a lot of fun!

Holly Rocked it! Alyssa Endured it.

Another year, another dance festival.  Holly's got moves, Alyssa would rather not move.  But they both looked super cute.

I Know it's Gross, BUT...

this put a huge smile on my face!  Q has been pooping his pants for months, so this little breakthrough is cause to celebrate!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

So close!

The kids are getting so close to earning a trip to Disneyland!  Alyssa finished first with the others just a few days behind.

Random stuff

These are my nanny friends from
when I nannied 20 years ago.
Q's idea of an ideal lunch

The girls pulled off a surprise farewell
party for Miss Gurr

He loves his new hat and backpack...
Now he thinks he needs to go to school.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Every night before she goes to bed, Alyssa asks me to snuggle with her.  Tonight Qyntn said he wanted to snuggle with Alyssa.

Me:  is it alright if Qyntn snuggles with you tonight instead of me?
Alyssa:  No!
Me:  why not?
Alyssa:  Snuggling with Q is like torture.
Me:  What is it like to snuggle with me?
Alyssa:  HAPPINESS!  (with a big smile)

Love this sweet girl.  Maybe she actually likes me?

Pioneer Trek

I love that the 4th graders at Cherry Hill get to do a pioneer trek, and I love that I got to be a chaperone.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Ayzha has really grown up in the past year.  For example, never before has she cared about what her hair looked like.  This year for her birthday her mom made an appointment to get her hair done, what???  Oh boy, I really liked the low maintenance Ayzha.  I'm sure I'll love the high maintenance Ayzha too.  (But I'm really glad her mom gets the bill.)  Happy birthday Ayzha!

After her hair appointment we took her to lunch and a movie

And she is over cake.  Just ice cream for Ayzha.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Our house is turning into a home.  We finally planted some shrubs and a little lemon grass to repel the mosquitos.  We shall see if it works. 

Lil Sports League

Qyntn has officially joined the world of organized sports.  We have high hopes for our lil guy!

High Five

Taking direction from his daddy

Q loves his new mitt so much
he wouldn't take it off for his nap. 

nice catch!

lots of neighborhood boyz