Monday, June 27, 2016


Donut Cake, Costa Vida, Swimming and Gifts.  Hope Tiago had a happy 10th birthday!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Home Sweet Home

During our trip we stayed in 5 different hotels, and at 3 different houses.  We mastered loading and unloading the car.  Most of the hotels were pretty comfortable, but we were sharing one bathroom all week, and at least 2 kids had to sleep on the floor almost every night.  It is good to be home. 

After I finished doing all our vacation laundry (6 loads), I felt like I deserved a day off, but Seven Peaks was calling to me.  I skipped the gym so we could get there when it opened.  It was so lovely.  Glad to be back in Utah!


We had shave ice for lunch, yum!

Family Vacation Day 8

Jenny invited us to come hang with her in St. George for our last day.  She made things super fun for the kids...

Clubhouse Blaster Tag

Spinnee Park

and more pool time, of course

Thank you aunt Jenny.  I was so exhausted by day 8 that I needed someone to help keep the magic alive.

Family Vacation Day 7

Day 7 started out great!  We all slept in until 9:00 a.m., what???  That never happens.  And we still had time to swim and shop in Barstow.  Once we got to Vegas we pretty much went straight to Cici's.  Those cinnamon rolls had been calling to us.  Then we explored the strip.  More fun memories!

Family Vacation Day 6

When I was about 10 we went to Universal Studios as a family.  I thought it was so cool.  I wanted my kids to experience the same thing. 

the studio tour didn't disappoint!

Not every day you get to see a transformer up close.

Ben was awesome on this trip.  My love and admiration
for him has grown even stronger.

Harry Potter World was impressiv

Friday, June 3, 2016

Family Vacation Day 5

Beach day!  El Matador State Beach at Malibu.  There wasn't any sunshine, and it wasn't warm, but we still managed to enjoy the beach. 

Family Vacation Day 4

California Adventure!
Free breakfast rocks!

Disneyland dorks!

Our 2 days at Disneyland were awesome!  The Keith family (our neighbors and bishop)  just happened to be at Disneyland at the same time, so we hung out.  I think everyone had fun and Q was a little trooper.  He lasted the entire day without a nap and even pooped in the toilet both days, hooray!  It was exhausting for Ben and I because he wanted us to carry him around most of the time, but he loved the rides.  Most of the kids ended up using their quarter money to buy ears or hats from Disneyland.  Disneyland is still magical. 

Family Vacation Day 3

Q's first time on Hyperspace Mountain