Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Historic Columbia River Hwy

Latourell Falls

Shepperd's Dell Falls

Multnomah Falls

View from Vista House

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I Survived!

I survived the summer, hallelujah! 

Summertime is always challenging for me.  I love that we have time to do all the fun stuff, but having the kids home all day is hard.  Why do they have to make so many messes?  Why do they fight all the time?  And why do they think they should be able to watch TV, check out Instagram and play video games all day?  I feel like it is me vs. the masses.  Not even Ben is on my side about video games.  It is a constant battle and I am outnumbered.

A goal I make at the beginning of every summer is to not yell at my kids.  So, I asked Alyssa and Holly this morning how many times I yelled at them this summer.  Holly said that I yelled 3 times.  Not perfect, but not terrible either.  I can feel okay about that. 

I will admit, this summer was better than most.  For one, it helped a lot that Ben worked from home.  He was able to come with us on all of our little adventures, and he helped make meals and deal with getting the kids to clean up their messes.  Secondly, I was super busy with Relief Society stuff, which was a bit of an escape for me.  I never thought I would say this, but I am grateful for this calling.  Thirdly, I have to admit that I kinda gave up on some things.  I didn't make the kids do chores or read every day.  I hope that doesn't make me a bad parent.  I just couldn't fight those battles this year. 

Anyways, I survived the summer.  I wasn't super mom, but the kids are alive and well and it was a more peaceful summer.  Yay for that!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Back to School!

5th grade has begun!  The girls will have SeƱora Revuelta again (she was their first grade teacher)  and Mrs. Judd.  They are really excited about Mrs. Judd.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ben's New Office

Basement floor no more!
We finally got him a desk.


I am always trying to figure out what my kids are good at because I want to help them develop their talents.  This past week we were able to buy some new furniture, most of which we had to assemble ourselves.  Alyssa has proven to be very crafty.  She even assembled this little table almost completely by herself.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Girls Weekend!

The Narrows

Canyon Overlook at Sunset

Every once in awhile I am lucky enough to spend some time away with two of my longest, best friends.  I've known Mindy and Amber since elementary school.  We've been there for each other through thick and thin.  So blessed to have them in my life!