Monday, January 23, 2017


We are midway through another season of basketball.  It has been rough to be honest. Most games they get blown out, although the last two they actually won!  Is there hope that one of our kids will excel in basketball?  For Ben's sake, I sure hope so!

Thursday, January 19, 2017


This girl turned 11!  I'm so lucky I get to be her mom!

Krispy Kreme donuts has become tradition
On birthday mornings 

She still loves green and blue and
 wanted cupcakes this year

Alyssa spent her birthday weekend with her dad.  They went skiing and sledding and had tons of fun!  Look at her, she's only in 5th grade and she is almost as tall as me!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hamster Houdini and the Hero

For Christmas we got Alyssa and Holly hamsters...

Pip (short for pipsqueak I think)

This morning Alyssa came to me in tears and said that she couldn't find Pip.  We were baffled that it had somehow magically escaped from it's cage.  We searched high and low and couldn't find it anywhere.  I thought for sure she was a goner.  But our hero, Ben, saved the day.  After a full day of searching, he spotted the little creature in our bathroom, chased it down and caught our little escape artist.  Hamster Houdini was quickly returned to her cage, and Alyssa was happy ever after.  

2nd Christmas!

Once we finally got all the kids back we had our 2nd Christmas.  We kinda rushed through it, because I got a phone call from a sister in the ward who was sick and needed some help, so I needed to leave.  But the kids probably liked it better that way., they didn't have to wait for the others to open each present individually, they just opened them all up at the same time.  The pictures I took were pretty bad!  Only this one was blog worthy...sorry kids!

That night we ushered in the New Year at the Welsh home.  Again, no photos.  We had a fun night though playing games with friends.  Happy 2017!