Saturday, September 30, 2017

Where in the World is Ben This Week?

Well, he worked a trade show in Long Beach...

  • And then returned to the land of his mission (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) to help with a basketball camp.

He spent some time helping baby
Sea turtles reach the ocean

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Toddler No More!

Qyntn turned 5!  What an adorable little boy!  He is an excellent dancer, a super sweet and thoughtful little guy,  and loves the color green.  He loves to play video games, legos and has a great little shot with a basketball.  He has been waiting soooo long for his birthday.  We had nonstop fun!

Where in the World is Ben Now?

Ben finally made the trip to Beijing, China to see his company headquarters.  He has been eating lots of authentic Chinese cuisine, working like a chinaman, and did a little sight seeing.

He was asked to give a presentation
To the investors and potential clients
And killed it!

To celebrate a successful event
they went and did karaoke
The Great Wall

The Forbidden City

Sunday, September 10, 2017

He May Never Be the Same

Ben has been playing golf with my dad on Wednesdays.  He loves it, and it had been going well until last time.  They had just teed off on the 4th hole and were walking down the fairway when out of the blue a ball hit Ben hard, right on the top of the head and he fell to the ground. Ever since then he has had a hard time remembering words and things.   He may never be the same again.  Poor guy.  Do they make golf helmits???

Phase 2

About a year ago we decided to move.  We loved our neighborhood and even our house, but we really needed a little more space.  2 cars and 9 bikes don't fit very well in a 2 car garage.  Plus, 5 of our kids were sharing 1 bathroom and it wasn't very pleasant come teeth brushing time.  So, we found a floor plan we loved, a lot in a good neighborhood, put our house up for sale and moved out(phase 1).  We are currently living in my parents basement during phase 2, the building phase.  But there is a problem.  We have been waiting for the building permit for almost 6 months.  We thought our new house would be finished and we would be moving in around this time but they haven't even dug the hole.  Frustrating!!  We considered starting over with another builder, but the way prices have gone up, we'd have to pay a lot more now to get the same house.  So, we are just going to hunker down here in the basement and patiently pray that the permit will come through soon and that things will go smoothly with the build.  Thank goodness my parents are willing to let us stay a bit longer than planned.  They are great!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Little Tiger Preschool

My little sidekick started preschool today.  Qyntn was a little scared to go, but did great.  He loves his teacher, Ms. Bethi and said there are lots of fun kids in his class.  He is going to love it!

So many cute images
I couldn't pick just one.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Seven Years of Heaven

Being married to Ben is heavenly!  Today we are celebrating 7 years together.  He has spoiled me this week with treats and flowers every day.  He's such a sweet, thoughtful, loving, caring, kind, patient, fun, smart, super handsome, and a million other wonderful things guy.  Happy anniversary babe.  Year 8 will be great!

We spent the evening with friends
At Topgolf.  Good times!