Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween🍊

We only had to dress up one time this year!!!  The girls were all about the freaky contacts...

And Alyssa reached her goal to get 20 lbs. of candy.  Nice work kids, that should last us the entire year!

Monday, October 30, 2017

RIP Tank

Today was a rough day for Holly.  Her hamster, Tank, passed away.  In her honor, Holly carved this beautiful pumpkin.  Rest in peace Tank.  

To cheer Holly up Ben took her for a ride to the pet store.  Welcome to the family Cookie and Milkie.

Spiders, Pumpkins and Mummies Oh My!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Love is in the Air


I hope one day that all of my children will be as happy in their marriage as I am with Ben.  He is so easy to love and makes every day joyous!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fall Break

Day 1
Crystal Hot Springs
The water is filthy...
But it was still a relaxing blast.

Day 2

Day 3
Antelope Island

These 2 bison crossed the road
Right in front of our car

Not much water in the
Great Salt Lake

Day 4

Day 5
What we tried to make...

How they actually turned out

This Kid!

Brotherly Love