Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Getting Closer

Facade is almost finished

Appliances are in

Truth be told, I'm not thrilled with the gray.
Maybe it will grow on me?

The Princess Vs. The Goblins

Reyn landed the lead role in her class opera.  She was the princess, of course, and was fantastic!


The Mandarin with some new Wenk cousins
 Jason is out of the clink!

Skiing with some more Wenk cousins

Flow riding with some Fuller cousins
It's a good life!

Spoiled Again!

Every year Ben puts a ton of time and effort into making me feel loved on my birthday.  This year was no different!  He created a multimedia QR code treasure hunt that tested my old lady tech skills.  He's awesome!  Some of the treasures I hunted were new clothes, luggage, pokemon cards, my favorite treats, a ping pong table and.... today I got a CAR!  HaPpY bIrThDaY to me!  

Me tryin to be gangsta.
Not succeeding

Saturday, March 24, 2018

High School Friends

This morning some of my best high school friends took me to breakfast for my birthday.  In the 25 years since high school, between the 4 of us, we've had about every life experience imaginable, some good, some bad, some ugly.  

I once heard that we can assume that each person we come in contact with is fighting an inner battle we know nothing about.  Today we shared some of those inner battles.  It reminded me that I need to be more kind, patient and loving with everyone I come in contact with.  

Thanks for a lovely morning!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

71 Years Young

Daddio turned 71.  His quiet strength is inspiring.  I feel very blessed that I am his little girl.

Friday, March 16, 2018

45 Days to Go

We were told that once the cabinets are installed our home should be finished within the next 45 days.  Cabinets are in.  Let the countdown begin.

Can I get in on This?

Q loves his mommy.  He gets a little bit jealous everytime I kiss or snuggle with Ben.  Lately, when he catches us in an embrace he weasels his head between us and asks, "can I get in on this?"  And we all snuggle together.  It is adorable.

He also fiercly protects me.  If mommy and daddy are wrestling and he senses that I am in distress it is Q to the rescue.  He is my little hero.


It seems like it happened overnight.  One day she was my little girl but now Alyssa is a full on tween, complete with sass and opinions.  She gets up every morning on her own, does her hair all by herself.  She does her own laundry sometimes, cooks dinner on occasion.  She is obsessed with her first phone and the freedom she has to communicate with her friends, she attends young womens.  I think she is on her way to becoming a responsible, contributing member of society.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


We spend a lot of time watching hoops.  Ayzha made the high school basketball team and Tiago has been playing in a bantam league.

Tiago got the award...
"Defense for Days"

Friday, March 9, 2018

Utah Swimming State Championships

Holly has been killing it in swimming!  This year she qualified for state in 5 events and participated in 3 relays.  She is especially good at breastroke and freestyle!

She won the 50 free consolation final. 
She is the 10th fastest (11-12 year old) in the state

Monday, March 5, 2018

It's Painted!

 I'm getting so excited!  We might actually have a new house by the end of the school year.  It's taken forever, but the timing might turn out perfectly!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Marriage Advice for My kids

Kids, once you are married, your spouse becomes your number one priority.  Make their happiness your goal.  Do everything you can to keep your marriage strong.  Have a weekly date night.  Invest in your marriage.  Don't let your children, hobbies, work, callings or other individuals distract you from your most important relationship, your marriage.  Listen to your spouse.  Communicate your concerns calmly and work through them.  Love your spouse with your entire heart.  Marriage will be hard!  Be patient and forgiving.  Keep the commandments and live worthy of the spirit, it will help you get through the hard times.  Have faith that with the help of the Lord you can overcome any challenge.  


For Valentine's Day Ben got us each a "moviepass."  I am excited to spend more time one on one with my hot husband.