Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Big Day!

Today was a big day for Tiago!  Ben conferred upon him the Aaronic Priesthood and ordained him to the office of a deacon.  The Spirit was very strong in the room.  Tiago was blessed to know that the priesthood is the power of God and that he can use the priesthood to do much good and serve others if he will keep himself worthy.  I wish I had recorded the blessing, it was very powerful.

Today was also a big day for Holly.   She gave her first talk in Sacrament Meeting.  The girls attended girls camp for the first time last week and Holly was asked to give a report.  She spoke in her dad's ward and didn't want me to go, which made me sad, but I bet she did great!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Old Enough to be a Deacon?

Yep!  What????  Tiago turned 12 today and will be ordained to the aaronic priesthood on Sunday.  He still plays with toys during sacrament meeting.  Is he really old enough to pass the sacrament?  I guess so.  Happy birthday Tiago!

First thing in the morning we
Saw Jurassic World 2

Costa Vida for lunch

And we let him spend the day
doing his favorite thing...
video games
Cookie Dough polar pizza
is way better than cake

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Mr. Incredible

Father's interviews happened today.
Notice Mr. Incredible in the corner
Ben is an incredible dad!

Saturday, June 9, 2018


Brian and Jenny and family got sealed
In the temple so we took a trip to Washington.
As usual, everyone had a good time.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

I See Sam

Q read his first book!!!!!!


We started out the summer very peacefully.  Our exes had 5 of the kids so it was just us and Q.  We checked out an awesome park in Bluffdale.


Alyssa, Holly and Tiago have officially graduated from the Dual immersion Spanish program, hallelujah!  No more driving them back and forth to school every day.  Next year they are taking the bus!  Hopefully by learning a second language they have gained an advantage in life.  Congrats graduates!

They made some great friends this year

Alyssa got a bit emotional
saying goodbye