Tuesday, July 31, 2018

29 and Holding

Ben turned another year older, but with the exception of a few gray hairs, he doesn't seem to age.  He really still looks 29.  This year he wanted a chill birthday, so that is exactly what he got.  HaPpY bIrThDaY Ben, so glad you were born!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Girl's Camp!

The girls got to go to girl's camp twice this summer and they loved it!  I am relieved and thrilled.  

Holly had to go to her state meet
So she missed the photo.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Long Course State Swim Championships

Holly is on a new team this year.  Lehi Aquatics is lucky to have her.  She qualified for several state events and made 2 finals.  We are looking forward to short course in March where she will be even stronger.  She is the 11th fastest breast stroker her age in the state!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Summer Sports n Stuff

I sure would love it if one
of my kids fell in love with golf

Q loved swim lessons 
He also loved that his cousins came to visit

and red hair gel

and we are making new friends in our
new neighborhood

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Yard

I am now realizing that we were totally spoiled when we moved into our old house.  The landscaping front and back was included.  We are finding that landscaping is expensive, exhausting, and painful.  Oh my aching everything.  Yesterday we had 13 tons of dirt delivered and spent hours shoveling and moving it to the back yard.  Even the girls helped out.  It was hot and grueling and we only got about half done.  Unfortunately, we may need another load of dirt, NO!!!!

The good news is that we decided to pour concrete over half of the back yard.  It was a more expensive option, but less grueling for the rest of us.  Ben got a basketball hoop and we have a natural gas firepit in the works.  

The next project is the sprinklers.  Ben is going to try to tackle this one without paying a professional.  He's brave.