Wednesday, October 31, 2018

HAPPIER Halloween!

Pablo Escobar, Drift, Master Chief and
a sweet mystical unicorn.

Mine was a repeat costume. 
I was all about keeping it simple this year
and that made it a HAPPIER Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fall Fun!


Ben and Q helped scare the youth at
 YM/YW Spook Walk by the lake

This Drug Lord came to our "Trunk or Treat"

The kids always want to carve pumpkins for some reason

Halloween Party time!

It Is Finished! (for now)

Our landscaping is complete, for now.  We added some lava rock,
a few bushes and 3 trees (that we ordered online haha)
Hopefully we won't get any more nasty
 letters from the HOA!

This is the gorgeous view from our back porch

This is the gorgeous view from our front porch

and this is the gorgeous view from my
morning walks by the marina down the street.

These are my gorgeous boys enjoying our new fire pit!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

General Women's Session

Tonight was wonderful!  I got to take all 4 girls to watch the General Women's Session of Conference!  The talks were inspiring and uplifting and we were priviledged to hear from all 3 members of the First Presidency.  I was in heaven.

Afterward we hit up crEATe Donuts.  We stuffed our faces with deliciousness. The girls were in heaven.

Keeping Things Interesting

This year has been a wild ride.  January started out tough.  Ben and I went through a rough patch.  In April my mom passed away.  In June we moved into a new home.  Financially things have been inconsistent, Ben hasn't been paid in 5 months.  And the latest craziness has been with my church callings.  I'm about to get my 3rd calling in 3 months, my next gig will be as Stake Primary President.  I'm glad for the crash course I got in cub scouts and primary.  Life has been interesting.  This will be yet another opportunity for growth.