Friday, December 27, 2019

DEFYing Gravity

Grandma and Grandpa took us to DEFY and Star Wars while we were in Washington.  Thank you!

Beaver For a Day

Fun times with Madison at Hoop.Camp

Parker taught us how to love and include everyone.
Just go up and ask if they want to sit by you.

Brian's mom approached us with tears in her eyes.
 She said, "you have the sweetest family.  You
have no idea how God used you to bless my family today."

Christmas Morning

As the kids get older the wake up time on Christmas morning gets better and better.  This year I didn't have to get up til 8:30, hallelujah!  Santa was very good to us again this year.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Eve

Tiago had the honor of playing Joseph

Reyn, the dancing angel

The wise men were phenomenal

We mixed it up this year.
Instead of PJs we got them warmies!

Christmas Cookies

We decorated Christmas cookies twice this year.  The first time was at our house with our ministering families.  The second was at Brian and Jenny's house with all the cousins.  Fun both times!

Ben is the master of questionable creations.

Uncle Randy paid Q a whole $1.  (It's Sharpie)
And all he wants for Christmas is his 2 front teeth 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


This year we got to help out a family
with 4 sweet little children.
We hope we lit their world!

Then we drove through Borst Park
to see the Christmas lights.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Family Christmas Gift #4

We took my dad and our family to see the Piano Guys for Christmas.  I absolutely loved everything about it!  It was fun, heart-warming and uplifting.  We are so blessed!

Short Course Season

Holly's short course season is in full swing.
At her last meet she got a PR and
1st place in the 100 breast.

Yay Holly!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

First Christmas Gift

David Wenk got us free tickets to
 see Jumanji and eat Cold Stone

Ward Christmas Party

We have this darling woman in our Ward who goes all out in everything she does.  She put on a fabulous ward Christmas Party!