Thursday, May 30, 2019

8th Graders!

Alyssa was recognized for getting
A 4.0 for the year.  Holly was super close too 3.98!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

1st Grader!

Dance festival

A final hug from Mrs. Kertamus

On to first grade

Taco Bell lunch with mama

And s'mores with his friend Melvin

Monday, May 20, 2019

Party Time!

Our first teenage party
20 12/13 year olds
Hoping kids will want to hang here.

S'mores and woof'ems games

Whip cream craziness

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Great Outdoors

The nicer weather has
Allowed us to enjoy the outdoors!

Fun aunt Jenny came to stay with the
kids while we were in Mexico.
They had a huge water balloon fight.  

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

I'm a lucky mom!

Sometimes when you have teenagers
your Mother's day pictures look like this.

A little trinket from my kids

Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta

Lots of relaxing and sunshine.

Too many delicious tacos!

An abundance of natural beauty.

Daily beach volleyball

And an entire week alone with
the love of my life
One of the coolest things that happened in Puerto Vallarta was our visit to church on Sunday.  We decided to attend at the chapel closest to where Ben served the last several months of his mission.  The building was located on the land that the church purchased while Ben was there 21 years ago.  He bore his testimony and could hardly keep it together, the spirit was very strong.  Many members remembered him from his mission.  It was a wonderful, memorable experience and a blessing for Ben to be able to go back!

Basketball in Paradise

Ben and I had the chance to go down to Mexico to help with Hoop.Camp.  We met up with a bunch of young local kids who don't have all the privileges we have in the U.S.A. to train them in basketball.  It was a lot of fun!  Ben ran the show and was a ROCK STAR!  I helped out with the peewees.  Our Spanish came in handy!


Ayzha looked gorgeous!