Friday, June 28, 2019

Ministering at it's Funnest

Kids, ministering will be an important part of your life.  The Savior loved those around him, he ministered to all.  As you follow his example you can make it fun!  Don't dread it, go to lunch, go hiking, have girls/guys nights, go to the temple with the people you minister to, invite them into your home, go to their homes, take them for dessert, love them, be their true friend.  Ministering will be a huge blessing in your life!

Hiking Lake Mountain

Kids Who Care Club

Some of the moms in the neighborhood started a summer service club for kids, I am so glad they put this together.  Today we made animal toys to take to an animal sanctuary.  It was fun!

Weeding!  The kids didn't really love
this activity, but it ended in a water fight

Bake sale for refugees!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

Utah Summer Games

Gold in the 50 freestyle
Bronze in the 50&100 breaststroke
I love watching her swim!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Super Dad!

Ben is a super dad!  Sometimes he is sad that he doesn't get to see his kids as much as he would like, but when they are here he gives them a lot of his time and attention.  He loves our kids and leads our family in prayer, scripture study and family home evening.  He sets a good example of daily scripture study and weekly church attendance.  He also sets an example of service  as he is always helpful at home and willing to help neighbors move in or out, etc.  He is diligent and concerned about our children making correct choices but also knowing they can look to the Savior and repent when they don't.  He is consistently trying to teach our kids to be responsible and clean, to be grateful, kind and to think of others before themselves.  He works hard to provide us a beautiful home and all the necessities of life. The kids would say that they love him because he is so much fun.  He plays games with them, he works on sports with them, he plays video games with them, he wrestles with them, jumps on the trampoline with them and plans awesome family vacations each year!  They are lucky to have such an amazing, handsome dad!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Family Road Trip Fails

Day 1: I left my purse at Burger King in Tremonton.  We had already driven 90 minutes before I figured it out.  Instead of going back, we asked them to keep it in their safe and will get it on our way home.

Day 2:  Ben left his Kindle in our room at the hotel.  We will be stopping to get that on our way back as well.

Day 3:. Our car wouldn't start, Randy jumped it.  We got to the airport to pick up Ayzha, Tiago and Reyn, the car wouldn't start, the car next to us gave us a jump.  We got to Dick's, the car wouldn't start, we replaced the battery.

Alyssa fell while rollerskating and hurt her wrist.  We had to stop by urgent care to get some x-rays.  They told us it wasn't fractured but put it in a brace.

Day 4:  We got a call from the urgent Care, the radiologist took a look at Alyssa's x-rays and says she has a buckle fracture on her right radius.  We need to get her to an orthopedist within 5 days...but we we're almost to Canada.

Reyn and I jumped on the antique car ride at Silverwood.  Our car didn't have a roof.  As soon as we started to drive it began to rain...hard.  There was no way to speed through or get off the ride.  We got drenched.

Day 5:. The temperature dropped to 30 degrees with snow (the average temperature at this time of year in Banff is in the 60's).  Our visit to Marble Canyon was phenomenal but not at all the way we had imagined it.  It was freezing cold as we hiked through snow and mud.  We were not prepared for the change in the weather!  Plus, Numa Falls was closed.  The bridge had been washed out so we didn't get to see the waterfall that inspired our whole trip.

Day 6:  We arrived 12 days too soon to see the 2nd highest free falling waterfall in Canada.  Takakaw Falls also eluded us this trip.  Note to self, it opens on June 20. Bummer.

Day 8:. We got stuck on I-5 on our way to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Both boys had to pee really bad but we couldn't get off the freeway.  They peed in bottles in the car.

Day 12-13:. As our kids grow up, they also get bigger.  We were smooshed into our minivan for the long drive home.  It was pretty uncomfortable for the kids.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Family Trip Days 8-11 (Washington)

When you're stuck in traffic on the I-5
And the boys need to pee.
Grandma put the kids to work.

Ben created a slip n slide ramp

There is always a ton of fun stuff to do at Grandma and Grandpa's; roof ball, frisbee golf, riding quads, ziplines, games, fishing, frogs, salamanders, crafts, mini moto's, slip'n slide, firepit and s'mores. They've got the party house!

FRT Day 7 (Myra Canyon Trestles)

We rented some bikes and took a
very cool bike ride!

Family Trip Day 7 (Kelowna)

Kangaroo Creek Farm was a great stop!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Family Road Trip Day 6 (Banff)

Moraine Lake, the "crown jewel"
of the Canadian rockies

Lake Louise was also extraordinary.