Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Grand Targhee

Made a trip to Grand Targhee for a wedding

I wondered if Sandy would ever tie the knot.
So glad she met Sean!

We met as nannies 24 years ago
and still get together on occasion and
reminisce about all the fun adventures we had.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Grand, Lion and Old Faithful all erupted
within 15 minutes of each other.  Lucky us!

Swimming the Fire Hole River

I could have sat in the sun overlooking
the river all day!

Silly Ben

More Than Just Bears

Q loved the petting zoo at Bear World


Bear World

We got up close and personal with some big bears at Bear World on our way to Grand Targhee.  It was fun.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First Day of School, Kinda

Firat day of first grade!

I'm glad his friend Max is in his class!
 And I hope he will love his teacher.

This is Alyssa and Holly's school.
It is still under construction.

So, this is what school looked like
for them today.  They are supposed to
do online school at home until September 10.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Tonight for FHE we visited Bridal Veil Falls.  There was still a lot of water coming down for this time of year.  It was gorgeous!

We got to see Braden, he
seems happy and more mature

Friday, August 16, 2019

Be The Answer to Someone's Prayer

For "Kids Who Care Club" this week we toured the Humanitarian Center.  When we serve others we are often the answer to their prayers.  

Each "bale" of donated clothes weighs 1,000 lbs.
Refugees are paid to sort the clothing
The green shows all the places on Earth the
church has had projects.

We can be like the Savior

Short Course Kick Off Party

Clean-up duty

52 Books=Lego set

Qyntn hates reading!  To motivate him to read I told him that if he read all 52 books in the "I Am Sam" series before school started I would get him a big Lego set.  He was so happy when he read the last book and his reading has improved a ton!  Way to go Q

Saturday, August 10, 2019

5:15 AM

One of the benefits of getting up at 5:15 AM is that I get to experience some of the most beautiful sunrises.  Life is beautiful!

Pioneer Day

Just a few fun images from Pioneer Day.
My dad and some neighbors came over for a BBQ.

Girl's Camp

I'm not gonna lie, I had to force the girls to camp this year.  It makes me sad that they don't enjoy it as much as I did when I was a teenager.  At least they went!  Light the world girls!