Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Ayzha's Graduation Trip

Breathtaking sunsets

Mucho good Mexican Food

Churro Man

Paradise village surprised
the girls with this awesome cake

A Quick photo with Mexican Aquaman


Natural waterslides

Boogie Boarding and lots more.
Hope you had the best time Ayz!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Lots of Dr. Visits

Alyssa has had some episodes
of syncope (fainting).
Echocardiogram for her.

Holly tore her MCL and broke off some cartilage
that is now floating around in her knee somewhere.
 Surgery in her future.


MRI next week 

I fell off a log at Lake Cleveland.
Multiple fractures and a partially torn ligament.

I finally got to use the
electronic cart at Walmart!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Best In Camp!

This kid had a great week
at basketball camp!
He won the shooting competition,
The one on one competition,
and was named "Best in Camp!"

He also led his team to a victory
in the "hoop to hoop" competition.
Way to go stud!  3 trophies

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Their First "Real" Job!

Alyssa and Holly both got a job at Hokulia!!
This is the perfect job for them!
They had a lot of prior experience selling
icees on the street corner when they were little.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Crafts and Cousins

I think our kids have 26 cousins on Ben's side

Games, Games and More Games

The Fuller Family LOVES Games!  Board games, card games, volleyball, frisbee golf, horseshoes, chubby bunny, puzzles, relay races, balloon tosses, leap frog, you name it, they love it!  It made the reunion fun for all.

Splish Splash!

Pool time is always a favorite at family reunions.  Ben and his Bros always get a little (a lot) crazy.  It's especially fun with belly flop and splash competitions. 

Qyntn is the belly flop king.  Perfect 10!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Castle Rocks

We all did some climbing at Castle Rocks. 

A Haunted Family Reunion

This year our family reunion was held at an old college campus.  It is said that the grounds there are haunted by a dark haired woman in a white dress that appears around 2am.  She attended school there many years ago.  There have also been several instances of voices heard in the old girl's dormitory.  We stayed in the men's dormitory.  One of our activities was to tour the campus.  I am told that it was very interesting and awesome.  

Men's dormitory

Women's dormitory

Friday, July 10, 2020

One Nation Under God!🇺🇸

I love the USA!   It is a blessed land, however, we are living in unprecedented times.  Not only are we dealing with a global pandemic, we are also living though a time of great evil.  Turn on the news and you see rioting, violence, looting, hatred, people tearing down and burning businesses and statues of our American heros and founding fathers. What happened to "One nation under God?"  Our country has become deeply divided.  It is hard to describe the uneasy feeling that overshadows our great nation.

The 4th of July was the perfect opportunity to show our love and gratitude for America.  God bless the USA!🇺🇸

The girls spent the 4th boating with their dad.

We finally bought an American flag to
adorn our home.  We fly it proudly!
Boys will be boys

Our neighborhood threw a fun celebration
complete with bounce houses,
face painting, games a BBQ and....

Sky divers!!

It was a gorgeous night!
Ben and I helped with the firework show!
We were the pyros that got to light
up the skies!  Super fun!

Q got in on the action too.
He LOVES fireworks!
It was a fantastic day!