Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Second First Day of School

This kid has always hated going to school😕
So, this year when I heard there was a new
Waldorf charter school opening up,
we switched schools.

I hope he will learn to LOVE learning.
Max and Tay Tay (his crush)
are in his class. He loved the first day💜


Quick Weekend Getaway


Idaho Falls

And Bear World


Game Time!

We're back in the thick of sports seasons!  Reyn and Lyss are playing volleyball, Q is playing soccer and football but Holly won't be able to get back in the pool for another 5 weeks.  I absolutely love watching my kids compete in sports!  It's fun to see them do the things they love and they learn a lot of good life lessons.  

Her first block at Westlake!

Back To School!!

Q decided to wear a fashion forward
skeleton outfit for the first day of school!

Masks are all the rage this year.

Teeneagers these day

First day of Freshman year!

Even though Holly is doing online school,
she did not want to be left out of  first day of school pics.

It's tradition!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

5 Months of Summer

Our extra long "summer break" is coming to an end.  Because of Covid 19, the kids have been out of school since March 15.  Although we have had lots of fun family time, I am definitely ready for school to start!  I like structure.  The last 5 weeks have kind of been a bummer.  With my broken foot and Holly's surgery, we didn't get to do all the things we wanted to do.  We did go to Splash Summit a few times and Ben took some of the kids to Lagoon.  

We also kept busy with sports.  Since spring soccer was cancelled Q played in a summer league.  Some of the games were played in 100 degree weather which was way too hot, but Qyntn was definitely the MVP!  He scored goals in all but one game!!!⚽


Friday, August 7, 2020

Westlake Volleyball

Alyssa made the Westlake Volleyball team, yay!!!!!  I have to admit, when she first started playing I wondered if this would be possible in her future.  We enrolled her in club volleyball and with some time and effort she really improved.  I am so happy for her!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

MPFL Reconstructive Surgery

Preparing for surgery.
Alyssa woke up "early" to braid
Holly's hair.  


The loopy post-op phase.
She sang me lots of songs,
and cried about eating animals.
"We cut them up and they don't even
get anesthesia."😢

Surgery went well! 

She's in pain, but she survived!
Alyssa has been especially sweet
to Holly.  She cleaned and decorated
Holly's room, helped with ice and medicine,
and kept her company late into the night.
I have enjoyed watching the sisterly love.

Monday, August 3, 2020

One Year Older (and Wiser Too)

Mexico doubled as Ben's
birthday trip🌴
Every chance he gets,
he buys dinner for the missionaries.

His 43 year old face never seems to age.
(But he does have a few gray hairs)

Go Seahawks!
He loves having special
drinks in the house.

Our rendition of the Happy bIrThDaY song
was phenomenal, especially Q's screeching.

Magnums instead of cake...yum!

and waterslides 😁