Sunday, February 14, 2021


We had a lot of fun spreading the love today!

Ben sent me on a valentine hunt which included most of my favorite treats.  He also had my road bike tuned up.  My foot still hurts so much its hard to exercise, (so frustrating!) so I'm going to give cycling a try.  

Ben got a pretty sweet gift too.

Ben and Qyntn had fun putting "The Child" together.  It will be added to his collection in the office.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Number 5

We officially have 5 teenagers!  HaPpY bIrThDaY Reyn, you are a beautiful, sweet young woman!

Zupas of course!

This was such a sweet moment, Ben will
be taking Reyn to see Harry!
They both got a little emotional.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Thursday, February 4, 2021


The kids are all playing sports right now!  Because they are limiting the number of spectators, I haven't been able to go to many games or meets.  From what I can tell, watching them online, they are the MVPs of their team.  They are definitely the Most Valuable People in my life.  (After Ben of course.)

She's Back!

It's 6 months post surgery and Holly is back in action. She has swam in two meets recently, a qualifying meet and high school regionals.  Her times aren't quite as fast as before and her quads aren't as strong as they used to be, but it will all come with time.  I am so proud of her for sticking with it.  She's awesome!

She is not gonna be happy I posted this pic.
But they didn't allow spectators at the meet,
so I'm grateful to whoever took it.

1 More Year

I feel like I spend half my life in the car driving my kids all over the world to all their activities.  Just one more year and Alyssa will be able to drive herself to volleyball, yay!  I bet I will miss our one on one time in the car, but I could definitely use a driving reprieve.

Congrats Alyssa!
She passed on her first try.