Sunday, May 30, 2021

Hoop Camp!

Ben and I (and our entire family and lots of friends) hosted our first official Hoop Camp yesterday and it was a blast!  It was a lot of work, but so rewarding!  We got the sweetest email from one of the mom's afterward:  

Thank-you so much for giving Christian such a wonderful Hoop Camp experience. Christian was easily the heaviest participant there, but enjoyed every minute of it. From the drills to the games! (Wasn't it funny to watch him dribble down and back with his big tummy bouncing almost as much as the ball!) I truly didn't expect him to win a giant trophy. As the smaller awards were given out and his name wasn't called I could see his spirits fall a little because he knew he gave everything he had. When you announced him for MVP, my jaw dropped and his mood soared! He hasn't stopped talking about it since! It takes up the entire top of his nightstand!. (But he wants it on full display). Hoop Camp has made a friend for life!

At the end of camp Caitlyn came up and said, "I was so surprised to win an award today, I have never got an award in my life."  I just hugged her so tight.  What a delight to be able to present her with her first award ever!  

Our kids were amazing today!  They all pitched in and did a phenomenal job!  Q got to play ball all day as a camper.  

One of my favorite moments was when Sam got the hustle award.  His reaction was priceless!

Ben ran the show on the court!  I ran things behind the scenes.  

I am so glad that we get to be a part of the ALL-IN Sports Foundation!  Next stop, Mexico!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

First Last Week of School

9th grade dance

So much fun! 
She hung out with Tiago
And his friends too!

She killed it! 4.0!!!! 

She still wanted to 
run the gauntlet

More As!

Tiago's last quarter he got As and 1 A-

Monday, May 17, 2021

Wild Weekend!

We were all over the place last weekend. Qyntn and I stayed home because Q had a football game (touchdown Q!) and I had a meeting with Elder D. Todd Christofferson and Bonnie Cordon, Young Women general president.  Holly went to her dad's for the weekend.  

Alyssa went to Colorado Crossroads for volleyball.

They Escaped!

And Ben took Tiago and Reyn to Reno for a Hoop Camp.  They also did some xploring.

Salt flats!

Hoop Camp


Comstock Load Mine

Thursday, May 13, 2021


We had THE BEST time tonight!  I FINALLY got to take Ben to see Les Miserables and we went with some super fun friends.  

Sunday, May 9, 2021

My Furry Babies

In addition to children, 
I also care for these 4 stinkers. (Literally very stinky)

Pabu is the chunkiest and the softest.

Binx is the craziest!

Kodo is the coolest! (The white one)
Calipso is the sweetest!
They are all so much fun!
Not gonna lie, they bring me a lot of joy!
The way they run and play is adorable. 

Mother's Day🌷

Love my kids to pieces, even though
they refuse to cooperate for a decent picture.

This one still will.
He made the cute flowers at school.

My angel mother
watches over me from heaven.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Double Booked😭

We showed up at Sport City this morning to host a Hoop Camp, and found out they had double booked the gym.  We drew the short end of the stick and had to cancel our event.  We were totally bummed!!!  We had planned and organized for months and had 56 special needs campers signed up.  We had to call each one to let them know the event was canceled.  Most parents took it alright, but others were very angry.  Some didn't get the email or voicemail message soon enough and showed up ready to play.  Since there was a soccer field available, we played soccer with them for a bit, which seemed to calm the frustration for some of them.  It was joyous to see the smiles on their faces as they played.  Our kids had a great time too!  We gave each of our friends a medal and took some pictures.  We are hoping to get a firm date on the books soon for a real Hoop Camp. 

A Win!

It's been a rough season for Ayzha and the Trailblazers.  Four players went home due to the risk of COVID-19 and possibly not having a season, while another player fractured her ankle.  But they got a win, and Ayz was mentioned in the news article.

"Gordon also praised Ayzha Fuller and Onalaska alum Olivia Mitten for their performance at middle blocker"

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Double Trouble

Oh my goodness, this sweet girl took a dive off a moving swing about 6 feet up and broke both arms.  Hope she heals quickly!