Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Good Kids

I took Qyntn and his buddies to Airborne trampoline park today.  There was a little kid trying to build a wall out of foam blocks.  Every time he made a little progress, an older kid would come over and kick it down.  The 4 year old was upset and crying so these 3 good dudes decided to help him rebuild, and keep the "bully" away.   Unfortunately, the older boy came back and kicked it over several more times. Eventually they asked if I would go talk to the kid to tell him to stop.  He promised he wouldn’t do it anymore.  It was so sweet to see our boys rally around the younger kid.  I hope they never change!  #tryingtobelikeJesus

Monday, June 28, 2021

Fasting Works!

A little over a year ago Ben's ex filed a petition to get more child support.  Even though she was married to a wealthy man and Ayzha had emancipated out of the system, his ex was wanting MORE money.  The amount she wanted was almost half of Ben's income.  What the flip?  We had to hire an attorney and spend thousands of dollars to fight her absurd petition. 

Unbeknownst to each other, Ben and I both fasted at the beginning of the month for a resolution.  The next day we received word that his ex was finally ready to reach a settlement.  Our prayers and fasting were heard.

After a year of nonsense and wasted money it is finally over.  Hallelujah!  Our child support payments actually went down. Congratulations to Ben's ex for wasting everyone’s time and money.


The last few days in Mexico were very relaxing.  Ben and Ayz were off doing basketball in paradise stuff, Q just wanted to hang out in the room, so I kinda got to do my own thing, which is rare. Ben scheduled me a massage, I relaxed by the pool, ogled at the sunsets and did a lot of boogie boarding.  Blessed!


Boogie Boarding is my favorite!

Goodbye all-inclusive.
No meal preparation for a week is always a good thing!

Brother and sister bonding time!

Oh Q, that face.  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Mas Paraiso!

Q loves these big, scary looking dudes.

Ben can certainly command an audience!

Ben, Ayz and Q stayed in Mexico while I got our other
kids to where they were supposed to be.  Then I came back!

We found a momma sea turtle digging a nest
and laying her eggs.  So cool!

The rainy season clouds make the sunsets
even more spectacular!

There were some huge, powerful waves this week.

We got a bit worried for Ben as he
was getting pummeled by the waves.

The power made it easy to catch a wave.
The waves didn't have to be breaking on you to take you
all the way to the beach!

Ben tried to snag Q mid ride.

It didn't work out so well.
Qyntn ended up cartwheeling under the water.

Q is a pro!
He admitted that the huge waves were a little scary though.

I just love his smile in this one.

Silly dad.

Costa Rica!

22 years ago I spent a month in Costa Rica.  It was a study abroad and my final semester of college.  I fell in love with that place, "Pura Vida"!  I haven't made it back yet, but I'm overjoyed that Alyssa and Holly got to go with their dad!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Father’s Day in Mexico

Ben is living it up this Father's Day.  Buffets all day in Paradise, sipping smoothies by the pool with Q and Ayzha.  Ben, you are such a fun, awesome dad, we love you!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Utah Summer Games!

Holly won 5 medals at the summer games!
She even got a medal for backstroke!

It was fun spending time with this awesome girl!
We listened to lots of Hamilton and Les Mis.

Flat tires always seem to happen 
at the most inopportune times!

We stopped by the creamery in Beaver.
It was so crowded though, we didn't wait
to get ice cream.  Lame.

Odds and Ends

 It's always sad to come to the end of a vacation, but we made some really fun memories.  Until next time!

The kids got to see the church that was built 
just after Ben was here on his mission.

The kids love the souvenirs.

Aw! So sweet!

To get back in the states,
we all had to have a negative Covid test.

Boogie Boarding

One of the reasons I love PV is for the boogie boarding.  The water is the perfect temperature, the sand is soft, there are no rocks to deal with and the waves are the perfect size.  We had the whole family out there!

Las Vistas

It's just so beautiful, I can't get enough! 

I could stare at their
handsome faces all day too!