Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Before the dance, they went sledding

Hoop.Camp Night of Inclusion

Ben has been very involved with Hoop.Camp over the past few months.  He's been able to travel to participate in "Night of Inclusion" in Arizona and Idaho recently and is heading to Mexico in a few days.


We're about to have another driver in the fam!  Reyn turned fifteen and got her learner permit.  Reyn's such a sweet, fun girl.  She has been working really hard on her volleyball skills and has really improved this year!  I sure love her!  Happy Birthday Reyn!

Nickel City 

These two cuties!

Holy Tacos was a yummy choice!


It's crazy to think that this girl will be 18 in one year!  Over the past year, Alyssa's life has revolved around volleyball, Tito & Goosey, her first "boyfriend," Derek, and shoes.  Love her so much!

deciphering birthday cards

and she's obsessed with Monster drinks.

HuHot with Holly!