Friday, April 28, 2023


This gorgeous girl had another birthday!  We met her for a fun lunch.  She is on track to graduate from high school in a month and plans to move to Oregon for college, ugh.  She is growing up too fast!  Holly is smart, beautiful, multi-talented and a joy to be around.  Love this girl so much!

Girl Trip!

Holly reached out a few months ago and requested another girl trip, so I booked it.  In the beginning, the trip was a bit of a disaster.  When we arrived, I tried to rent a car, but my license was expired.  That wasn't a fun way to find out.  So, we had to uber or walk everywhere we went.  On Monday we had planned to have a beach day, but without a car we decided to hit up a waterpark instead.  When we woke up the next morning, it was pouring rain, so we walked to an outlet mall and did some shopping.  After a few hiccups, we ended up having a really fun trip! 

Our first aqua coaster

Alyssa always wins the shooting games, ugh.

Volcano Bay was amazing!  
We went on thrilling waterslides
and enjoyed the gorgeous weather.

We loved posing for the ride photos.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Spring Break

We hung out at home for Spring Break this year.

Tiago may or may not have needed some help hunting for his Easter eggs.

the eggs turned out magnificent!

I chilled a lot with Tito and Goose.
Ben calls me an old cat lady.

Alyssa had a tournament 

Q had a 7 v 7 football tournament and it was freezing cold!!!
They had to remove snow from the fields in order to play.   
Q got his first TD and interception, he was super happy!