Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Back to School

Q wanted to switch up his look before school started.
So, I learned how to do a perm.

Senior Year!


Aside from hoop camps and trips, our summer was pretty mello interspersed with fun activities...

Cash Cow at the rodeo

Eating a cricket

sand volleyball

We volunteered at the Saratoga Spring Temple open house.
On the evening we were there, a storm blew through
and left us with a beautiful rainbow!

the girls went to the 'Barbie' movie

Ice blocking

 and volleyball camps

Thursday, August 10, 2023

The "A" Team

"I love it when a plan comes together."  There have been so many things I've be praying for lately, that all worked out.  Q made the A team again for football.  Alyssa and Reyn both made the varsity volleyball team at their high school, and Holly got the job we were praying she would get.  So grateful for the blessings!


46 and still so handsome!

Coram Ranch Reunion (part 4)

One of the days we went to Lake Shasta.  We figured it would be cold like the river, but to our surprise, the lake was actually warm.  Ben found a log and he and the kids spent hours trying to get everyone standing on the log at the same time.  It was pretty hilarious.  It seemed that every time the last person was getting up, the log would roll and everyone would fall off.

last one standing

But they didn't give up.  The next day we returned and got 9 people standing on the log at the same time!

They also found a rock to jump from.  It got a little scary when Ben dove in and hit his head on a rock. 

Coram Ranch Reunion (part 3)

We also did some exploring.  Ben found a little watering hole with a small waterfall that we visited and then we made our way down to the Sacramento river on mountain bikes.  On the last gravely hill, I biffed it and had a badly bruised booty cheek all week.  Ben, Reyn and the rest said that the Sacramento river was the coldest water they had ever been in.  So cold, they could hardly breathe.  

Coram Ranch Reunion (part 2)

We did a lot of swimming,

there was a lot of silliness,

some crafts,

lots of games

and dancing

Coram Ranch Reunion (part 1)

On the way to the reunion,
we stopped at the Salt Flats

visited the elementary school 
where Ayzha broke her arm, in Reno

and stopped by Lassen Volcanic National Park

boiling mud pit

ice in July