Thursday, February 22, 2024

Zombie Fallout


We made the leader board!  We are the fastest
group to ever escape Zombie Fallout!

What a fun weekend thanks to Randy!

Be My Valentine

There was a lot of love going around in our family on Valentines day.  Q and Alyssa both had a special Valentine this year. 

Sweethearts with Marcus

Marcus spoiled her!

Eliana asked Q to be her valentine for
a second year in a row.

My Forever Valentine gifted me 
this treasure.  When Ben travels, he
will always be here for me to snuggle.  

Sweet 16

We've got another driver in the family.

Happy Birthday Reyn!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Hoop Camp Meets the Miami Heat

Hoop Camp made it's NBA debut with the Miami Heat
and coach Erik Spoelstra

Ben was able to make the quick trip to help out.