Monday, March 11, 2024

Cold Quorum Campout

Qyntn had his first quorum campout over the weekend.  He said it was horrible because it was soooo cold. It got down to 9 degrees.  Luckily, he's got a pretty great dad who was willing to camp out with him the next night for a more positive experience.  These 2 are the cutest.  
No, his friend leant him some "Warmies" that turned his feet black.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024


This year Tiago's team won
the city league championship!!

Qyntn also had an amazing season.
His team went 23-4. 
They played in the 5a and 6b2 league.

Qyntn has improved so much this season!
He's a great leader at point guard,
 has sick handles, plays tough d,
makes amazing passes
and his shot is getting much better.