Friday, May 31, 2024

Where is Ben Now?

Napoleon's Tomb

Notre Dame Cathedral

Arc de Triomphe

The Luvre

The Eiffel Tower

The Mona Lisa

Moulin Rouge

Venis de Milo

Scare Coure

Monday, May 20, 2024

Thunder Awards

These Athletes won for "Game of the Year"
They were down 0-2 sets and came back to win 5-2 at state!  
It was awesome!

Academic All-State
NIAAA Scholar

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


This girl made me a proud mama tonight!  4.0, High Honor Roll, Scholarship and seal of biliteracy.

volleyball friends

Way to go Lyss!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Great Day

On the way to one of Q's sevens tournaments, we took the opportunity to go to two temple open houses.

Taylorsville temple

Layton temple

Q scored a touchdown that night

Where in the World is Ben Now?

Ben took an 11 day trip this month.  He stared in Mérida for Hoop Camp, then went to Colombia, Chile and finally, Uruguay.   After all these years, he said he doesn't enjoy traveling as much as he used to.  



Senior Pictures

 These are some of my favorites from Alyssa's Senior Pictures.

Tiago's Mission Call

Tiago decided to serve a mission!  Ben was in Chile when his call came in, but Alyssa, Q and I went to watch him open his call.  He will be serving in the Argentina, Cordoba mission.  I am so excited for him!  Cordoba is the mission right next to my mission.  I was in a city that is 30 minutes from his mission.  Ben is a proud papa!