Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Break

This year spring break got off to a rough start... it's my own fault...I have conditioned the girls to think that we have to be going somewhere and doing something every minute.  I've tried to make life magical, to fill their lives with cool experiences, but sometimes I think I go overboard.  Today I wanted to take a break from all of that.  I just wanted to relax and enjoy conference but the girls didn't like it.  Luckily I had prepared a craft for them to do.  We made stepping stones from plaster of paris and painted them.

Day 2 went much better, we drove up to spend the day at my parent's house.  Every conference Sunday we get together there for brunch between sessions.  YUM!  I always eat too much, but it's one of my favorite family traditions.  The change of scenery was nice for the kiddos too.

Day 3 was even better...we went to the zoo.  What a gorgeous day!  We met up with some of the other families in our ward, enjoyed the animals, and had a little picnic.  The girls seemed to be in heaven and Q, although kind of a handful, was enthralled by it all.  The grizzly bears were especially fun.  They were playing together, wrestling, chasing one another, and even got right up in front of us behind the plexi-glass.  Pretty awesome!

Day 4 I took a little time for myself and went to the gym in the morning (cycle, my least favorite group class, but it kicks my butt.)  The girls went to a birthday party (for Alyssa's birth-sister Tayla) which took some of the pressure off me trying to make the day fun, yay!.  After the party we met up with some friends at the the Provo Rec Center and swam.  You may be wondering, where was Ben in all of this?...well, he was in Germany for work.  I was on my own for spring break this year.  

Day 5 started off right.. Zumba, love it!  Then we went over to have a crochet lesson with Jackie, my friend and visiting teaching companion.  Boy am I all thumbs when it comes to anything crafty, it's embarrassing! Hopefully the girls will be able to learn how to do it despite their mother's ineptitude.  We spent the rest of the day in Salt Lake at the Discovery Gateway, another fun day!

Day 6 the little ones in the neighborhood got together for an Easter egg hunt.  Alyssa and Holly helped out by hiding the eggs for the kids, it was great fun.  Qyntn had more interest in the rocks than the eggs, but that's okay, there's always next year.  In the afternoon we went to a movie, and again Q had more interest in other things.  He loved the popcorn but wouldn't sit still for anything.  I let him wander around the theater, he lost his shoe, but ultimately we spent most of the movie in the lobby.  That evening I took the girls to be with their dad.  Phew, I made it through another spring break, and Ben will be home tomorrow, YAY!

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