Thursday, May 8, 2014

Holly's Baptism

Yesterday Holly got baptized! 

Sometimes as a parent I wonder if my kids listen to anything I say.  I try so hard to do all the right things.  Since Holly was born I have read scriptures with her daily, and we have always had family prayer.  We've always attended church and I started doing Family Home Evening with the girls when they were 2.  Often the lessons don't go quite like I would like them to, scripture study isn't nearly as reverent as I would like and our prayers need some work, but we're trying our best. 

Elder Bednar gave a talk a few years ago called, More Diligent and Concerned at Home.  He talked about looking at a painting.  If you look up close you can see each tiny brush stroke.  Each time we pray, read the scriptures or have family home evening, etc. it's like we are adding a brush stroke to our family painting.  Some days we may wonder if these things are having any effect.  On other days we have the opportunity to take a step back and see that the painting is coming along quite beautifully.  Yesterday was one of those days for me.  Even though it takes a lot of effort and diligence, I know that each tiny brush stroke is important for creating a masterpiece. 

I'm so proud that Holly chose to be baptized. 

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