Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An EX-tra Quiet Christmas

This year the older kids were with our exes so it was extra quiet around our place. We celebrated Christmas with our sweet little stud.

Merry Christmas!
After opening our presents we stopped by to see Ayzha, Tiago, and Reyn.  We then headed to my parent's house to see my family.  Sarah and her family dropped by for a bit.  Late afternoon Q took his first ride on a plane, we went to Washington so Ben's family could meet him.  The highlight of the trip for me was getting to see The Hobbit.  I absolutely loved it!  We flew back home in time for New Years and got to have our whole family together again at a fun new years eve party hosted by Tara. Goodbye 2012...excited to see what surprises 2013 will bring...

and Happy New Year!

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