Thursday, May 30, 2013

Shock and Awe!

Two nights ago Alyssa told me that she wanted to buy herself a set of scriptures.  She has the scriptures on her Kindle, and a tiny Book of Mormon, but she said that wasn't good enough.  I told her I would get her a quad when she gets baptized next year, but she insisted that she couldn't wait.  We looked online to see how much they cost and when she saw that they were 70 dollars she didn't bat an eye.  She looked at me and said, "I think I have 71 dollars, so I can get them, right?"  I was shocked.  My sweet little Alyssa was willing to give all her money to buy scriptures.  Then Holly joined in.  She said, "Mom, I want to set a new goal.  I want to read the Book of Mormon all by myself in one year." Alyssa agreed that was a good idea.  Seriously???  Where was all this coming from?  Are we doing something right around here???  I finally came to an agreement with Alyssa about waiting until her baptism to get a quad.  So, the next day I went to the distribution center and bought them each a Book of Mormon and made them bookmarks with a reading chart on it.  They plan to read a chapter a day.  I'm a little shocked, and definitely in awe of my sweet girls.  Hope they follow through, I'll be cheering them on all the way! 

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