Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Ben loves Lake Tahoe so I took him there for his birthday.  It was our first vacation together alone, without our kids, in a long time!  We need to ditch them more often.

We hiked to a few waterfalls, enjoyed some delicious cuisine, Ben explored the rocks at Sand Harbor, we golfed for the first time in 2 1/2 years, and simply had a lovely time.

Emerald Bay

Twin Bridges, Horsetail Falls

Lake Tahoe
Huge thanks to my sister Jenny for watching Q and the girls for us while we were gone, and to Grant for watching Ayzha, Tiago, and Reyn so we could get on the road!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heaven Help Us!

Without heavenly help, I don't know if we will all make it through the summer.  I love all these kids, I really do, I just wish they fought a little less and picked up after themselves a little more, etc.  Thank heavens we've been getting the help we need.  Between fights we've actually had mucho fun!  We've spent a lot of time at Seven Peaks, Classic Skating, and Trafalga.  We are regulars at the library too, Shakespeare for kids on Thursdays is one of their favorite things to do.  We've been to 2 musicals, Annie and Aladdin, swam at Tara's new pool, built a fort at grandma and grandpa's and are looking forward to the family reunion in August.

4th of July Parade

The kids adore little Q

They've made about 60 buck selling Icees and lemonade

Ben showed us how to make marshmallow covered wagons for FHE

And we've played with ooblek!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weaned and Walking

10 months old and so grown up!  I know I'm not supposed to wean him til he's a year old, but I wasn't producing enough milk, and he was starting to bite me, so I weaned him a little early.  I don't think it's gonna hurt him though, he's a healthy little guy.   He's also walking a bit.  He took about 12 steps on his own the other day.  He'll be running around the house in no time.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013


We've got our third 7 year old.  Not exactly sure the significance of 777, some say it's the number of perfection, some say it means an angel is looking out for us, but I just think it means we're going to have the best year ever!

Tiago is our newest 7 year old.  We had his birthday party at a park with a splash pad.  He was lucky to have grandma and Nick in town, and got exactly what he asked for...Halo Mega Blocks sets.