Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heaven Help Us!

Without heavenly help, I don't know if we will all make it through the summer.  I love all these kids, I really do, I just wish they fought a little less and picked up after themselves a little more, etc.  Thank heavens we've been getting the help we need.  Between fights we've actually had mucho fun!  We've spent a lot of time at Seven Peaks, Classic Skating, and Trafalga.  We are regulars at the library too, Shakespeare for kids on Thursdays is one of their favorite things to do.  We've been to 2 musicals, Annie and Aladdin, swam at Tara's new pool, built a fort at grandma and grandpa's and are looking forward to the family reunion in August.

4th of July Parade

The kids adore little Q

They've made about 60 buck selling Icees and lemonade

Ben showed us how to make marshmallow covered wagons for FHE

And we've played with ooblek!

1 comment:

  1. Those marshmallows are GINORMOUS! Sounds like you are having an awesome summer vacation! Can't wait for the reunion either -should be sweet! And I don't blame you for weaning Q early. When Raids starts to bite me, we'll be done too!
