Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin Walk

On Saturday we took the kids to a pumpkin walk.  There were carved pumpkins of course, games, free donuts for anyone in costume and a puking pumpkin show.  The best thing about it was that it was all free!  We had a good time.

Notice that our family is too big for the backdrop.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Folk Festival

The 2nd graders at Cherry Hill Elementary learned and performed a bunch of folk songs the other evening.  Holly had a speaking part which she memorized and performed flawlessly!  I was super proud to be her mom.  Another kid didn't show up to do his part, so the teacher asked Holly to fill in for him too.  Both Alyssa and Holly did great singing the songs.  I need to convince Alyssa to smile more though.  I had to pull funny faces to get even the slightest grin out of her.

He's Into Everything...

literally!  Q's hilarious.  He climbs like a monkey and is curious about every little thing.   The other day the girls left their bedroom door open and he scaled the ladder of their bunk bed with no problem. There he was standing on the top bunk calling out to get my attention so I could acknowledge his latest conquest.  He's just a little guy, I didn't see that one coming so soon.  He also loves climbing onto the toilet seat then up on the counter-top.  Sometimes he kisses himself in the mirror.  He's a funny guy, kinda like his daddy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A What???

A couple weeks ago Alyssa announced that she wanted to be a pea shooter for Halloween.  A what???  I had no idea what she was talking about.  She told me that it was from a game..."Plants vs. Zombies."  When she showed me what a pea shooter looks like, my heart sank.  How on earth was I going to make her a pea shooter costume?  As I mentioned last year, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, not even close.  One of the many reasons I don't like Halloween is because I hate putting together costumes (don't tell the kids).  I'm not crafty, I don't sew, and I just feel like it's such a waste of time, money and energy.  Kids dream about what they want to be for an entire year and then wear the blasted costume for a grand total of maybe 12 hours.  So, I did what I always do, I looked online to see if I could just buy one.  There it was, a brilliant pea shooter costume...for 200 bucks...drat!  The next day, we went to lunch with my mom and she asked what the girls were planning to be for Halloween.  I explained my dilemma about the pea shooter and she marched us off to some craft store.  I conjured up an idea of how I might be able to make it work, we purchased some supplies and I returned home with a small glimmer of hope that I would be able to fashion a pea shooter costume that Alyssa would approve of.  Well, I enlisted Ben's help and  a couple rolls of duct tape later, this is what we came up...

Alyssa was the happiest little girl in the world that night!  She couldn't believe that we did it.  She love, love, loved it!  Now I just have to find her some all green clothes, make some leaves, and I think we'll be set.  Phew!  Another year down, just a few more to go. 

Ben's Cookie Creations

I left Ben home with the kids last Wednesday while I was at Young Women's.  I had made sugar cookie dough that afternoon and thought the kids might have fun decorating them.  As it turns out, I think Ben probably had more fun than they did.  Look how cute his cookies turned out.  Can you guess which one he made for me?  He's the best!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dr.'s Orders

History:  About 2 years ago I injured my shoulder while being pulled behind a wave runner on a tube at lake Koocanusa, in Montana.  It's bothered me ever since.  About 6 weeks ago Ben injured his elbow playing basketball.  Today we visited the doctor.  Diagnoses:   I have a calcium deposit growing in my shoulder, and Ben tore a tendon in his elbow.  Treatment:   Cortisone injection.  (Ben just about passed out during his procedure.) Prognosis:  Should have full range of motion without pain in about 72 hours in my shoulder.  Hoping that Ben's tear will heal itself over time.   Doctors orders:  get a bottle of Ibuprofen, two ice packs, and snuggle up to a good movie.  So that's what we did.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ben's 2 Cents

Ben says..."I sure am happy with my great family and awesome wife.  I'm feeling blessed and grateful this week!  I've got a job, home, family, food on the table and tons to be thankful for.  BOOM!"

We Did It!

Our family read the entire Book of Mormon for the first time.  I'm not exactly sure how long it took, but we made a goal to read 10 verses every day, we stuck with it, and did it!  Yay for us!  We celebrated by going to dinner.  I don't know how much the kids really get out of our daily scripture reading.  Sometimes we have good discussions about what we read, and sometimes we just get through it.  At least we have established a good habit.

Our little "Twister"

It's like a tornado touches down everywhere he goes...


Sunday, September 29, 2013...

we received an unexpected phone call with eternal significance! 

Student of the Week

Last week Alyssa was chosen by her teacher as "Student of the Week."  She was picked because of her academic excellence, great behavior, and because she makes other people feel good about themselves.  I am so proud of my sweet Alyssa!

Alyssa with principal Alisa Hart

Dolla Dolla Bills Ya'll

Last year soccer season was rough for the girls, neither one scored many goals and it was frustrating.  This year, to add some incentive, I told the girls I would give them a dollar for each goal they scored...they nearly broke the bank!  I'm pretty sure Alyssa scored at least one goal every game, and Holly scored almost every game.  Way to go girls!!!