Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A What???

A couple weeks ago Alyssa announced that she wanted to be a pea shooter for Halloween.  A what???  I had no idea what she was talking about.  She told me that it was from a game..."Plants vs. Zombies."  When she showed me what a pea shooter looks like, my heart sank.  How on earth was I going to make her a pea shooter costume?  As I mentioned last year, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, not even close.  One of the many reasons I don't like Halloween is because I hate putting together costumes (don't tell the kids).  I'm not crafty, I don't sew, and I just feel like it's such a waste of time, money and energy.  Kids dream about what they want to be for an entire year and then wear the blasted costume for a grand total of maybe 12 hours.  So, I did what I always do, I looked online to see if I could just buy one.  There it was, a brilliant pea shooter costume...for 200 bucks...drat!  The next day, we went to lunch with my mom and she asked what the girls were planning to be for Halloween.  I explained my dilemma about the pea shooter and she marched us off to some craft store.  I conjured up an idea of how I might be able to make it work, we purchased some supplies and I returned home with a small glimmer of hope that I would be able to fashion a pea shooter costume that Alyssa would approve of.  Well, I enlisted Ben's help and  a couple rolls of duct tape later, this is what we came up...

Alyssa was the happiest little girl in the world that night!  She couldn't believe that we did it.  She love, love, loved it!  Now I just have to find her some all green clothes, make some leaves, and I think we'll be set.  Phew!  Another year down, just a few more to go. 

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