Monday, October 27, 2014

PVZ Pumpkins and More

We had another successful year of pumpkin carving.  There were no lacerations and the girls actually scooped goop this year.  Since Alyssa is a bit obsessed with Plants Vs. Zombies we decided to go with that.  Holly did her own thing as usual...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

FREEky Fun

I'm always looking for ways to entertain our family for free and today we hit the jackpot.  We went to the pumkin walk for free which is always fun, we had a neighbor who gave us free pumpkins to carve, and we went to the Peaks Spooktacular (ice skating) which was free for anyone in costume.   What a FREEky fun day!

Ben and I threw ours together last minute

Lovin the Gorgeous Weather

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Birds and the Bees

Three of our kids turned 8 this year so we felt like it was time to have "the talk" with each of them.  To help guide the dialog I checked out this book from the library...
I really had no idea what reaction I would get as I read it with the girls, but the one I got from Holly was hilarious.  On one of the first few pages it has an illustration of a naked man and woman to show the differences between us.  When we got to that page Holly started screaming out the names and pointing to the various body parts, saying how wrinkly and gross it was, then slammed the book shut and said, "this book sucks!"  I laughed so hard I cried.  Not at all how I envisioned it in my head.

They Sure Do Clean Up Nice!

The girls had a photo shoot a few weeks ago with their dad.  Somebody successfully dolled them up.  They rarely let me near them with a brush anymore, they like to get ready themselves, but they sure do clean up nice!

Girl's Weekend

A few months ago I got a random confession from Ben.  He told me that he had emailed my friend Mindy to request she take me away for some girl time.  Apparently Ben doesn't think I get out enough... maybe he's right.  Anyways, Mindy has a sweet condo in St. George so we invited Amber and went off for a girl's weekend.  

We had a lot of fun...went to the St. George temple, ate lots of good food, layed out at the pool, had some good meaningful conversations, watched a bunch of chic flicks, played cards, watched all sessions of conference without interruption from any of our 17 kids, and one of the highlights was our hike to Angel's Landing...

Super blessed to have a husband who cares about me enough to set this up and who made it possible for me to go, and so grateful to Mindy and Amber for still wanting to hang out with me!  Love those two awesome women!

Home Sweet Home!

After 8 moves in 7 years, we are blessed to finally have a home of our own!  And we're loving it!