Monday, June 29, 2015

Bees Game!

Thanks to David Wenk, the kids got to live it up in a suite. 
They had all the popcorn and ice cream they could ever want!
Q loved the train, of course!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father/Son Campout



Father's Day

I hope our kids know how lucky they are
to have Ben for a dad!  He is the best!
(and super handsome!)

I'm lucky too, my dad is awesome!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

One of our Favorite Spots

Bridal Veil Falls

Follow the Prophet

Experiences in my life have confirmed that blessings come when we follow the counsel we receive from our priesthood leaders.  For example...

Growing up I often heard our priesthood leaders stress the importance of mothers forgoing careers to raise their children.  "The Family, A Proclamation to the World" further clarifies this counsel.  It states,  "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. 

After I graduated from college I started a career in pharmaceutical sales and also wanted to start a family.  For years we tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant and I continued to work.  With both of us working full time, financially things were great.  We ate out often, bought pretty much whatever we wanted, traveled whenever our work schedules would permit, I golfed 2-3 times a week, it was a good life.  Eventually we decided to adopt children and were blessed a short time later to welcome Alyssa into our family.  I was still working at the time but knew that in order to follow the counsel of our leaders I should quit and stay home with my sweet baby.  I knew that giving up my income would greatly impact our lifestyle, but I also knew it was the right thing to do.  So I quit, and something very interesting happened that year, my then husband started to have a lot of success in his career.  He closed more loans that year than ever before and made about double what he had made the year before.  As a matter of fact, the amount of commission he made that year was almost exactly what I would have made if I had continued working.  I don't believe that was merely a coincidence.  I believe that Heavenly Father was blessing us for having chosen to follow the counsel of our leaders. 

Our priesthood leaders have also given us financial advice.  They have counseled us to pay our tithing, stay out of debt, and save for a rainy day.

During my first marriage we always paid our tithing, never carried a balance on our credit cards, always paid cash for our vehicles, the only debt we had was our mortgage, and we put the money I earned into a savings account (for a rainy day).  That rainy day came.  After our divorce I was worried that I would have to go back to work to support myself and the girls, but because we had followed the counsel of our leaders I had enough savings that I was able to remain home.  That money also kept us afloat through Ben's three job losses.

When we follow the counsel of our priesthood leaders, blessings follow!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

One of My Favorite Pastimes

There is almost nothing I enjoy more in life than watching Ben play sports.  Whether it's basketball, soccer, softball or whatever, this guy is awesome!  I'm really hoping some of his athleticism rubs off on little Q!

Gnome Hunters!

We found all 13 gnomes at the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point today!  That was our goal for the summer.  Now what???


Tiago achieved his wolf rank in cub scouts this evening.  Way to go!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Every Once in a While...

I see a picture of myself and think, "I look kinda pretty." Those pictures deserve to make the blog/book. 

Officially the BEST SUMMER EVER!...

according to Alyssa.  The other day our friend Marcus asked her if she was having the best summer ever and she said "no".   Then he asked her what would make it the best summer ever and she said I just had to make her a peach I did... 

And it's officially the best summer ever!  

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gym Rats

These are my gym rat friends

We all went to Pitch Perfect 2
to say farewell to Katie
Katie was my fave instructor...she moved away
she could turn the darkest day bright!
Much love goes with her to Albuquerque

Monday, June 8, 2015

My Little Vet

Can you tell what Holly wants to be when she grows up???

pet wheelchair

Eye Chart

 I guess we'll see if she sticks with it or changes her mind in the next 10 years.