Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wow! What a Week!!

When our ward split a few weeks ago I told Ben that one of us needed to get a calling that would give us keys to the church.  I thought it would be nice to have access so our kids could practice basketball during the winter.  Well, last Saturday I got a call from the Bishop, he wanted to chat.  That evening Ben and I headed over to meet with him and he asked if I would serve as YW President.  I guess I got what I wanted and a whole lot more.  I am super excited to be back in young women's, but it certainly added some stress to an already hectic week.  Sunday and Monday Brian and Jenny and family were in town, Tuesday evening we had family pictures and Wednesday I had shoulder surgery which was much more painful than I had anticipated.  I was doped up on drugs the rest of the week.  All the while I was trying to organize a new presidency, plan activities and prepare a lesson for Sunday.  I will be glad when this week is in the past.  It has been a doozy!

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