Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Goodbye Cubicle/Commute!

A little over a year ago I asked Ben to find a new job.  He had been traveling so much for work and I just wanted him home with us, his family.  I didn't get married to be a single mom.  So he did.  He got a job in Draper and although he traveled the first 9 weeks of the year (for training), the rest of the year he hardly traveled at all.  It was great!  But he wasn't happy.  He just isn't the kind of guy that wants a stable 9-5 job in a cubicle and he hated the commute.  So, when his friend, Darrell, reached out to him to offer him a position with a title and travel, I didn't fight it.  On March first Ben will be taking a job with a company based in China. I'm worried about it on many levels, but this is what Ben wants, so I'll put on a happy face, and who knows, maybe it won't be as bad as I think. 

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