Saturday, November 19, 2016

To Move or Not to Move...

that has been the question.

We have prayed and fasted and pondered and have finally decided to build a home in Saratoga Springs.  Ben was hoping to go to St. George or Lake Tahoe but I just couldn't bring myself to taking the girls away from their dad, and Ben really didn't want to be that far from Ayzha, Tiago and Reyn.  So, we are moving across the lake and that will have to be far enough for now.  We have 60 days to sell our current home so we're crossing our fingers, saying our prayers and hopefully we will be blessed to get a good offer.

When I told the bishop that we would be listing our house this was his reply...

"Jim told me yesterday that you guys have been getting serious about moving. So I was sort of prepared for this :( But it's still heart-breaking. There has never been a better RS president than you that I know of. And I've known some pretty great ones. And the only reason Ben isn't the bishop is because the Lord needed you as the RS president. I mean that. You guys are a church "power couple" ;)."

We have absolutely loved our ward and neighborhood.  We have tried to get to know each family.  We have invited many of them into our home, we've tried to help create opportunities for them to get to know eachother through neighborhood bonfires, gatherings and bbq's.  We have served them and loved them and we will miss them.  

However, we are excited for our next adventure! We really didn't plan on moving so soon, but we were looking around at houses and fell in love with this one...

The Lyla!

Of course ours won't look quite like this.  This model is upgraded to the hilt, but we think it will still be a beautiful home and we will finally have a 3 car garage, and a mud room, yay!

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