Monday, March 27, 2017

Feelin the LOVE!

Well, I turned 31 for the 13th time and Ben spoiled me as usual.  He surprised me with a massage, took me on a shopping spree, and even helped the kids pick out presents for me.  Q got me a hotwheels car, Alyssa got me some Cadbury mini eggs, Ben got me some anti-wrinkle cream and Holly gave me some trick poop.

I also received lots of sweet messages, gifts and treats from family and friends.  I have felt the love today!  

Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Natural!

First time bowling...
Check out his score!

March Madness

All March long 

We Love Photo Booths!

Alyssa's birth mom, Taryn, was married today.  I was privileged to be able to attend the wedding at the Mount Timpanogos Temple, it was such a beautiful ceremony!  Our family especially enjoyed the photo booth at the reception!  And the sliders and the cupcakes.  Yum!

Holly was especially enthralled
 with the photo booth!

This one was from the tri-stake dance
we chaperoned a few weeks ago.
March Madness themed!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

12th Ward Voles!

We have absolutely loved living in the Suncrest 12th Ward for many reasons.  One of which is that they dominate at basketball.  They just finished another undefeated season.  It has been fun to be their number one fan! #back2back #Champions

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Under Contract!

Last Sunday my girls came home from staying with their dad and told me that they had actually fasted.  I was surprised, because they usually don't want to fast.  I asked what they were fasting for and they both said they fasted so that our house would sell.  It had been on the market for 3 months and we were all kinda frustrated that it hadn't sold.

Well, 5 days later we accepted an offer on the house!  It is under contract, yay!  We are all super excited!  I am a huge believer in fasting and prayer.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

State Short Course Championships

I am so proud of Holly!  She started swimming about 6 months ago and qualified for state in 4 individual events and competed in 3 relays.  She has accomplished so much in a short period of time.  I hope she will stick with swimming, she has a tremendous amount of natural ability and great form.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Girl Time

Field trip to the aquarium

While Ben was with Q at the Jazz game,
I took the girls to the soap factory

Boyz Night

First Jazz game for Q


I decided it was time for a change!  I went a little lighter, and got bangs.  Qyntn was not pleased.  The first words out of his mouth when he saw my new do were "mom, I don't like your hair like that."  I told him it would grow back.  A few hours later he asked why they hadn't grown back yet.  Oh boy, I hope he can get used to the new look!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Painful Battle

Yes, the battle of the bulge continues, and over the past year and a half, it is a battle that I have not been winning.  After my shoulder surgery I took a 6 month hiatus from the gym.  When I started to work out again it didn't go so well.   I'm not sure the cause, but for some reason I developed a lot of pain in my hips and I have been dealing with it for almost a year.

Being able to exercise has helped me keep my sanity over the years, so this past year and a half has been super frustrating.  It has also been exhausting because the pain wakes me up every night.   I don't remember the last time I got a good night's sleep.

A few weeks ago I finally went to see the doctor and am now doing physical therapy. Today I had my first round of dry needling. I am crossing my fingers, saying my prayers, and hoping this will help the pain subside so I can start working out again!