Sunday, November 26, 2017


Ben and I were filled with joy the other night as we were able to spend some time with our nephew Gabe, who had come to visit for Thanksgiving.  He is my sister, Jenny's son.  Their family has been struggling on many levels for a long time.  They have medical concerns, financial concerns, marital concerns, the list goes on and on.  I have often thought about Gabe and felt that he is nothing short of a miracle.  Through all of his family trials he has remained a sweet, happy, smart, good kid with a 4.0 grade point average.  After he arrived the other night we talked for a while and then went to bed.  As I was laying there trying to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about him.  Every year we try to think of a family or individual who could use a bit of holiday cheer and joy at Christmas time.  I felt strongly that this year, we should focus on Gabe.  I tried to subtly ask him what he would like for Christmas if he could have anything and his response was that he was happy with the things he had, that he really didn't need anything.  I was so impressed by his response, how many 15 year old boys have that kind of attitude?  He has discovered one of the secrets to having joy, being content with the things you have.

Later that afternoon Ben mentioned to me that Jenny was looking through the Black Friday ads and had said that Gabe was in need of some shoes.  He only had one pair of shoes for school and they were falling apart.  That is when we came up with a little plan.  We asked Gabe if  he would be interested in going to see a movie with us and he said yes, so we bought the tickets.  We left for the movie an hour early, but he didn't know that.  The theater was located at an outdoor mall, so when we got there we asked if he would like to go shopping for some clothes.  I wasn't sure if he would even let us buy him anything, but he said it would be okay.  We first stopped at Vans where he picked out some sweet shoes.  Then we walked over to Old Navy and got him a few pairs of pants, a jacket, and a belt.  We offered to get more, but that was his limit.  As we were walking through the dazzling Christmas lights to the theater he told us that he absolutely loves the Christmas season and that this year Christmas had come early.  He was so grateful and happy.  Then we took him to see Thor.  It turned out to be the perfect night, pure joy!

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Our family has been incredibly blessed this year.  We've had our challenges...change can be stressful, and not having a home of our own is tough, but through it all I have felt much peace and happiness throughout the year.

Thanksgiving feast
At Qyntn's preschool.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Is it Done Yet?

Nope, not even close....but they poured the concrete and delivered the lumber for framing.  I wish I could just snap my fingers and it would be done.  I don't know if I will survive at my parent's house much longer.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Yesterday I got an email from the girl's school.  It was an invitation to go to the reflections awards assembly.  Since they had both put in the effort to submit an entry, I decided I better be there to support them, win or lose.  To my delight, they both won in their categories and were very happy.

As we were driving home I began to reflect a little more on these two awesome girls.  When we moved them to a new school this year I was a little worried that it would be a difficult transition.  I wondered if it would be a challenge for them to make new friends.  I was nervous they would shy away from getting involved because they were new.  Turns out, I had no need to fear.  It has been so fun to watch them jump right in, they seem fearless.  Alyssa decided to join student council.  Both of them have made some nice friends.  They both got all A's first term.  Holly is the "bar" princess at recess.  They did reflections and are doing Battle of the Books.  Aside from everything they've got going on at school, they are both taking piano lessons and playing basketball.  Alyssa is doing volleyball and Holly is doing swimming.  They have a lot going on, but are very responsible, good girls.  Alyssa and Holly, I'm so proud of you!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat

My kids love this musical!  It was being put on by Woods Cross high school, so we went.  Girl party!

Coach Ben

Ben is a super dad!  He volunteered to coach Qyntn's team this year and does a phenomenal job. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Jr. Jazz night

Because our kids play Jr. Jazz, we got to go to 2 free Jazz games this week.  So fun!  Ben and Qyntn and I made the jumbotron!!