Thursday, April 19, 2018

Love You Forever!

I was honored to have the opportunity to give the eulogy at my mom's funeral...

On behalf of my family, I would like to begin by thanking everyone who has come today and for those who have sent their condolences.  We have felt an outpouring of love through countless phone calls, texts, emails, meals and visits.  Each has reminded us of the impact my mom has had on others during her life.  We are especially grateful for those who have loved and cared for our mom throughout her life.  We are also grateful for your prayers which have provided much comfort and peace.    
My sweet mother, Linda Christine Julien was born in Santa Ana, California on December, 23 1951 the year that “I Love Lucy” first premiered, Disney debuted the film Alice in Wonderland and you could buy a gallon of gas for 19 cents. 
Although I don’t know much about her childhood, I know that she loved her parents Barbara and Corky her 2 sisters Bobbie and Betty and her favorite grandma Clarice whom she adored.  Growing up in Orange County, California she loved going to Disneyland and the beach.  
Mom was very intelligent, an excellent student and very involved at school.  During high school she was in the varsity singing group, was a senior class officer and was named female athlete of the year.  She was a vibrant, popular, beautiful young woman.  Early in her teenage years my mom was introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  My mom grew to love the church and as a non-member, served as seminary class president. 
One of the missionaries that taught my mom about the church was an Elder from Colorado, my dad.  After returning home from his mission my dad received a letter from my mom informing him that she had decided to be baptized.  They became pen pals which sparked the beginning of one of the most beautiful love stories of all time.  A few letters and a few dates later they were married in the Salt Lake Temple on January 30, 1970.  
After their wedding, Mom attended BYU for a short time and then transferred to the University of Nevada.  In less than 4 years she earned a bachelor of science with distinction in elementary education with a minor in music while raising 3 tiny children David, Jenny, and me.  She was also an incredible support to my dad as he attended medical school and throughout his residency during which time they welcomed 2 more children, Tara and Julie.  Their 6th and final child was a Mother’s Day surprise.  By that I mean that one Mother’s Day, to my surprise, my parents showed up at the house with a brand-new baby girl that they eventually adopted and aptly named Angela (their little angel). 
Mom devoted her life to our family.  As with many moms, she spent her time reading to us, feeding us, cleaning up after us, dancing and singing with us and driving us to and from all of our various activities.  With 6 kids, that itself can be a full-time job.  She also earned her eagle scout, well not really, but she was very involved in helping David earn all of his scouting merit badges.  She loved us very much and was very pleased that all 6 of her children were sealed in the temple.  
Mom had a love and passion for music which she instilled in each of us.  She had the voice of an angel and shared her musical talents as a vocal soloist, in many singing groups and in playing various roles in musicals and road shows.  She directed a stake bicentennial musical and also helped direct the Oakland Temple Pageant. I’m pretty sure she was called to serve as ward choir director in every ward we ever lived in.  She had us kids singing in the choir practically from birth, she volunteered us for special musical numbers often, and our family trips to Disneyland weren’t complete without singing songs long and loud in the car. 
As many of you know, life got a bit tougher for my mom in her late 20’s .  When I was 6 years old she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  Things that had come easy to her before became difficult and the trivial became a struggle.  I can only imagine how frustrating and depressing it was for her to go from being so vibrant to feeling sick all the time.  Yet she tried to keep a smile on her face and her smile could light up a room!   Due to her declining health it became more difficult to do a lot of things, like family trips.  However, on one trip we took to Capital Reef, she somehow found the energy to lead everyone on all the hikes and we saw a glimpse of the mom we once knew.  Although she wasn’t able to go out and explore the world as much as she probably would have liked, she was able to find joy and contentment in small things.  She was an avid reader, a Star Wars junkie, had many favorite tv shows, and loved going to movies when she felt up to it.  During these years she became a grandmother and loved spending time with her 19 grandkids and 2 great grandchildren.
While mom certainly drew the short straw when it came to her physical health, she hit the jackpot when she married dad.  I have never known a husband who has loved and cared for his wife as beautifully as my dad has cared for my mom.   I think Heavenly Father was aware that mom would need someone special.  Someone full of charity who would devote his life to her happiness.  Whatever she wanted to eat, dad would make it for her.  Whatever she wanted to watch on tv, dad would watch it with her.  He did the cleaning and cooking and after long days at work, he was often found rubbing her feet at the end of the day. Thank you, dad for selflessly losing yourself in the service of our mom.  Of course, mom was also madly in love with dad.  He was her best friend.  She always wanted him near.
Mom’s long fight with diabetes and all the complications that went along with it ended peacefully on Friday afternoon.  While surrounded by many who love her, she passed on to a better life.  God be thanked for the matchless gift of his divine son Jesus Christ who overcame death that we might be with our mom again.  I am so excited that she will now be able to do all the things she wasn’t able to do in this life.  I am sure that she is watching over us and singing with the choirs of angels. 
Mom, we will miss you but you will always live on in our hearts.  Love you forever!

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