Thursday, August 30, 2018

New Team Record!

Holly set a new team record for the 50m and 100m breastroke.  She's pretty much awesome!

Monday, August 27, 2018


This adorable kid started kindergarten today.  At first he said he was a little scared but once he got there it was a breeze.  His favorite part was riding the bus home after school.  I hope he will love his first year of school!

 Q and his Kindergarten teacher
Mrs. Kertamus (at the open house)

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Q asked if I would do an activity with him today.  He suggested we make a volcano.  Although I was NOT in the mood, he asked me so sweetly there was really no way I could say no to his cute little face.  Turned out to be a good time! 

The kids especially enjoyed
painting it with hair color spray

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Rat Infestation

A few months ago the girls decided they wanted to get sugar gliders. I told them they could only have one pet at a time, so they sold their hamsters and started saving their money.  As they did more research they realized that sugar gliders would be too expensive and too much of a hassle.  They decided rats were the perfect pet.  With their own money they bought a cage, play toys, sewed rat hammocks, bought treats, and created a training area for the rats.  Since we would be out of town for 11 days at the end of the summer I told them they couldn't get the rats until we got back from Washington.  They started counting down the days, and good to my word, we bought rats on the way home from our trip.  The girls are now the proud owners of 4 rats, Goji, Coconut, Kiwi and Mango.  They are currently in the process of "socializing the rats."  I fear I will wake up one night to rats nibbling my toes.  

Monday, August 20, 2018

Off to School...on the BUS!

For six years I have driven the girls back and forth to school for Spanish immersion.  Not anymore!  They finally get to ride the bus and I am ecstatic!  I hope they will love Jr. High.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Southwest Washington Fair

This calf loves to suck on peoples fingers

Our 3rd Time

We did it, we finished reading the Book of Mormon as a family for the 3rd time!  Family scripture study has high priority in our home.  We just read 15 verses a day,  we only spend 5 or 10 minutes, but atleast we do it.  Sometimes we have a good discussion about what we read, sometimes we don't, but I have faith that our obedience will bring blessings.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Holly was invited to go to Maine to visit Luke (her birth father) and his parents, JoDee and Robert.  She is having the time of her life.  Luke and Holly both love animals and adventure!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

YW Backpacking Trip (Granddaddy Lakes)

Ayzha and Alyssa went on an overnight backpack trip with the bishopric and their wives.  I was super excited that they chose to go, but was a little concerned that they might not have the best attitudes. Every time we take them on a family hike they whine and complain and I didn't think adding a heavy backpack to the mix was going to make things any better.  But I was wrong!  With heavy packs, up steep climes, through hail and snow, for 5 miles our girls led the group with positive attitudes.  Miracles never cease!