Thursday, August 23, 2018

Rat Infestation

A few months ago the girls decided they wanted to get sugar gliders. I told them they could only have one pet at a time, so they sold their hamsters and started saving their money.  As they did more research they realized that sugar gliders would be too expensive and too much of a hassle.  They decided rats were the perfect pet.  With their own money they bought a cage, play toys, sewed rat hammocks, bought treats, and created a training area for the rats.  Since we would be out of town for 11 days at the end of the summer I told them they couldn't get the rats until we got back from Washington.  They started counting down the days, and good to my word, we bought rats on the way home from our trip.  The girls are now the proud owners of 4 rats, Goji, Coconut, Kiwi and Mango.  They are currently in the process of "socializing the rats."  I fear I will wake up one night to rats nibbling my toes.  

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