Friday, December 7, 2018

Memorize The Living Christ ✔

I had started and restarted to memorize The Living Christ many times over the past several years.  Finally, last Christmas I made a goal to memorize it by this Christmas. Giving myself a deadline did the trick.  I was finally able to accomplish my goal.  I am glad I made this a priority in my life.  It is a powerful witness of our Savior.

If you look around, especially at Christmas time you can see the tremendous influence our Savior has had on the world.  Many who do not believe in Him still honor Him at this time of year.  Even the reckoning of time revolves around the Son of God.

The older I get, the more adversity I face, the more I am in awe of his sinless, selfless life.  His devotion to his father and to us, his brothers and sisters, inspires me to want to be a kinder, more loving, forgiving and compassionate person.  In life, inspired by love, he went about doing good.  My heart desires to be like Him.  Maybe someday someone will be able to say of me, she went about doing good.  I don't have the power to heal the sick, but maybe I can help the sick at heart.  I don't have the power to cause the blind to see, but maybe I can share my light with someone in spiritual darkness.  I don't have power to raise the dead, but I can teach others that through the atonement of Jesus Christ they can overcome death.  Of all the miracles Jesus performed in life, I am most humbled and grateful for the miracle that rescues me, His great atoning sacrifice, the greatest gift we could ever recieve.  "God be thanked for the matchless gift of his divine son!"

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