Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Hoop Camp Portland (Day 3)

Cut!  It's a wrap.  Day 3 was more filming, and Hoop Camp fun!  The show won't air until Spring, but I'm really excited to see how our episode of Making Good turns out.  

Ayzha and Abbey!

Kade's smile could light up the world!

Little stud

The littles

Ben's still got it!
Coaches Game

Ben getting the crowd involved

Q was good little dude so he
got to help give out the awards.

Friday, August 27, 2021

"Making Good" (Hoop Camp day 2)

 A few months ago I watched an episode of "Why I believe".  They were highlighting Kirby Heyborne who is the star of a show called "Making Good" among other popular LDS movies.  Each episode of Making Good highlights a non profit organization.  As I was watching him talk about the show, I had the thought that I should try to reach out to them to see if they would be interested in doing an episode on Hoop Camp.  I really didn't think I would get a response, but a few days later I did.  One of the producers reached out and wanted to know more.  We exchanged a few emails, met with the production team on a zoom call and next thing you know, we were on a flight to Portland to film the show.  I'm excited to see it when it airs.  We might not make the final cut, but the goal is to spread the word about Hoop Camp.

Kade is one of my favorites,
his smile could light the world!

Jack and the crew were fun to work with.

I was on picture duty most of the day.
I gotta get more pictures of Ben and Ayzha.

Drew is amazing

Love this cute boy

Hoop Camp Portland (Day 1)

We had the opportunity to participate in a 3 day Hoop Camp in Portland.  We had a lot of fun and made a lot of new friends.

Q was a stud!  He made sure every
kid had a chance to make some baskets.

Sarah was a joy!

"Level Up" was amazing!
Qyntn didn't want to leave.

...and Ben was in heaven!
I had a lot of fun too!

We had about 100 participants

Q is a good little baller!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Back to School!

Alyssa doesn't know it yet,
but she going to get a surprise at school today.

Have a wonderful day, Lyss!

Q hates school.

But he thinks riding his bike to school is fun.

and he is excited about free school breakfast!

Holly decided to give in person school another try.
She kept it a secret from Alyssa and surprised her at school.
I hope she has the best year ever!


Ben took most of the family to Washington for an end of summer trip.  I stayed home to drive Alyssa back and forth to her two a day volleyball practices.  It looks like they had a wonderful time!

The beach was warmer than usual.
The sun was even out!

They spent lots of time outdoors,

Brothers, so cute!

Q mastered riding the BiG kid motorcycle.

Holly loved riding the quads
but got stuck in the mud.
They got pretty muddy getting it out.

The blackberries were ripe.
We eat them straight from the bush.

Multnomah Falls!

Sunday, August 1, 2021


This handsome young man turned 44!


I love his face

We spent the evening at Evermore,
completing quests...

trading trinkets

Messing around

I'm pretty sure the highlight
 of his birthday was this moment!
3 for 3 axe throwing with a bullseye.
Okay...maybe not.  But it was worth a mention.