Friday, February 25, 2022

Wars and Rumors of Wars


Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, ordered his troops to invade Ukraine today.  It was a completely unprovoked, unjustified attack.  There is concern that Putin won't stop at Ukraine, but that he will attack several of the Baltic countries that once made up the Soviet Union.  Could this be the beginning of World War 3? 

We are praying for the citizens of the Ukraine and the leaders across the world. The Ukraine is out-gunned, out-manned, out-numbered, out-planned, but it has been truly inspiring to see the brave men and women of Ukraine take up arms to defend their country and their freedom.  President Zelensky, the members of parliament, the mayor of Kyiv have chosen to stay and fight with the people. 

Many will be honored for their bravery and sacrifice.  On snake Island, as a Russian war ship advanced on Ukraine, 13 border guards heard a warning from the invaders, "I am a Russian warship.  I ask you to lay down your arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths.  Otherwise, you will be bombed."  Then came the reply, "Russian warship, go f--- yourself." 

Ukraine's military also hailed the valor of a soldier who gave the ultimate sacrifice to thwart Russian troops from advancing further into his country. The Henichesk bridge was mined to be blown up, but the Ukrainian military did not have time to detonate it remotely with Russian forces advancing, according to the General Staff.  Vitaly Skakun Volodymyrovych, a military engineer from another battalion, reportedly contacted the unit by radio and told them he would do it himself manually.  "An explosion was heard immediately.  Our brother died. His heroic deed significantly slowed the advance of the enemy, which allowed the unit to redeploy and organize the defense,"

There are many incredibly brave citizens.  One man knelt in front of a column of tanks.   An 80-year-old man took up arms, "for his grandchildren," and a 79 year old woman, who is barely strong enough to tote her rifle, completed the combat training.  The resolve and patriotism of the Ukrainian people has been inspiring.

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