Sunday, October 1, 2023

Youth Conference 2023

Our Youth Conference started at the 
Mountainside Marriott in Park City

There was swimming, hot chocolate, and billiards..
but the karaoke was the favorite.  It was epic!

We did a service project at the Park City library.
We accomplished in an hour
what would have taken the librarian a month.
She was so grateful!

Alyssa was thrilled to be there.

We played some shocktato, team relays and did egg roulette.  
Good Times!

Miraculously, John Bytheway agreed to come speak to our youth.
He's amazing!

We ended the conference with a sunset hike/testimony meeting at the top of PC Hill.

Side note:

Kirby Heyborne was going to come speak to the youth, but he got offered a role in a movie, and had to cancel 2 weeks before the conference.  I had made a promise to the youth that the speaker would be amazing, so I decided to reach out to John Bytheway.  I said a little prayer and wrote an email...

Hello Brother Bytheway,

My name is Shannon Fuller.  I am the young women president in the Spinnaker Bay Ward, Saratoga Springs, Utah.  I've found myself in a bind.  Kirby Heyborne was coming to speak at our youth conference on Saturday, September 23, but just signed on a film that conflicts with the date and won't be able to come.

 I had promised our youth that our speaker was going to be amazing.  You fit that description perfectly!  I know this is a long shot and that your usual audience is the entire world, but would you by chance be available to speak to a small group of youth in Park City on Friday, September 22 or Saturday, September 23?  (You know, like Savior taught, leave the 99 to go after the one).  I will totally understand if the answer is no, but I felt I owed it to my young women to try.


Shannon Fuller

Young Women President

Spinnaker Bay Ward

 P.S.  My husband and I are booked on your Holy Land tour next March

We are sooo excited!  

 We love "Follow Him" and don't miss an episode.  It has been such a blessing in helping us understand the scriptures.  Sometimes, especially with Paul, I get a little lost.  Thank you for loving the Lord and wanting to share his light and love with the world.

 Also, you have been an inspiration in my life for many, many years.  One of the first talk tapes I ever listened to was "Get an Attitude."  


He responded to the email within just a few minutes, checked his schedule and agreed to come.  What??? Squee!  I was ecstatic and so grateful.  

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