Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas in Washington

Here's the honest truth...
I was against going to Washington from the start.  Christmas is stressful enough without adding anything extra.    But because I love Ben, I agreed to go.  I decided I would try to put on a happy face.  It didn't last long.  Both Ben and I were sick for starters and the night before the trip we encountered our first problem.  We were planning to put the car top carrier on our van to fit all the presents and luggage, but when Ben went to put it on he realized there were no cross bars to hold it in place.  We ended up cramming all of our luggage and presents inside the van, which made our already cramped quarters that much more cramped.  Then to make matters worse, it was snowing the day we left.  It took us 9 hours to get to Boise from Provo which got us there pretty late...too late to swim, which disappointed the kids.  The next day we also spent 9 hours in the car.  I will admit, the kids were pretty fantastic in the car.  They kept the quarreling to a minimum which is an improvement from our past trips.  Qyntn did surprisingly well, except for the last hour on the second day.  I don't blame him, I wanted to cry too, it was a long time in a car.  The next morning though I could tell he just wasn't feeling well.  I took him home from church early, and when we got back to the house he threw up.  Oh boy, it's rough when the baby is sick and not sleeping well and momma isn't feeling well or sleeping either.   I wished we were home. 
The kids, on the other hand, were having a great time!  Grandma and Grandpa Fuller always have tons of fun things to do at their house. They have a trampoline, and the kids explore in the woods, play games and do crafts.  They seemed oblivious to the fact that we were making a lot of extra work for grandma and grandpa, another thing I struggle with.  I hate to impose on people, and I felt awkward and uncomfortable the entire time. 
Before bed every night I read a chapter from the book, "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," to the kids.  It was one of my favorites from my childhood, but the kids didn't seem to want to listen.  We read it anyways.  They actually did like the book, but there were so many other things they wanted to do they could hardly sit still. 
Grandma had tons of crafts
for the kids to do, which they loved!
One of the things I really wanted to do on our trip was service.  I want the kids to learn that it is better to give, than to receive.  Luckily, Jill had been assigned to help a single mother and her three daughters from her ward.  So, on Christmas Eve morning we went shopping!  We got each of the girls some pants, a t-shirt, a hoodie, socks and a necklace.  I had also made some little candy canes that had a coupon attached that said, "Merry Christmas, from our family to you!"  The kids had a great time handing them out to all the people in the stores.  I loved watching them approach complete strangers to wish them a Merry Christmas!  After we bought the gifts, we took them to the hotel where the family was staying.  We camped out in the lobby hoping to see the look on their faces when they got our gigantic package of gifts, but they didn't come down very quickly and the kids were starting to fight, so we left.  We were all kind of disappointed we didn't get to see them, but I hope it was an experience the kids won't forget. 
Christmas Eve started out great!  Grandma made a yummy ham dinner, and the kids did the Nativity.  The rest of the evening seemed more like a New Year's Eve party than Christmas Eve.  I guess I was just hoping for a more reverent, peaceful evening, not another evening of games.  It didn't feel at all like Christmas Eve to me and that's when I decided it would be our last Christmas in Washington.  Next time we have all the kids together I want to be home where I can make things go the way I want them.  I'd like it to be more sacred, more reverent.  I went up to my room and read my scriptures and tried to escape the loud party downstairs, but they were so loud I don't know how any of the kids ever fell asleep that night.

Grandma was totally prepared with great costumes for
the Nativity.

Little Q was a bit sick
 One of the Christmas traditions I loved as a child was opening up PJs on Christmas Eve.  This year I tried to continue the tradition, but I screwed up!  I got the wrong size for Ayzha, so the two of us made a trip to Walgreens.  They didn't have PJs but they had some pajama bottoms. 

Christmas Eve PJs
 Christmas morning was crazy as usual.  The kids seemed delighted with their gifts.  Ben and I were on full elf duty, building toys and putting batteries into every little gadget, while trying to keep Qyntn from crying.  Santa left more treats and sweets then I've seen in my entire life.  My stomach hurts just thinking about it. 

Christmas morning...
Santa found us, even though we were in Washington.
The kids got tons of fun stuff...

By late afternoon on Christmas day I was all tuckered and toyed out.  I wanted some order, which the kids resisted.  I had them make their beds and put their toys in a pile in their room.  Is that too much to ask on Christmas?  Then we drove to Sarah's house for Christmas dinner.  It was very nice of her to invite us all, and it was delicious. 
The final few days just seem like a blur, I was kind of depressed, angry and sad all at once... more games, more toys.  One thing I do love about going to Washington is that I get to nap by the fire.  Ben always builds a fire.    
The drive back was long, but I could feel the tension and stress of the past week begin to fade.  I was coming back to myself.  This time we made it to the hotel in time to swim.  On the final morning Qyntn threw up on me, so I smelled of curdled milk all the way home, but we made it.  Ben and the kids had a lovely time and that's what really matters.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me...

two tickets to see The Hobbit!!!  

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is doing "the 12 days of Christmas."  We pick someone and then give them gifts, or do nice things for them for the 12 days leading up to Christmas.  This year as a family we are doing the 12 days for my sister Julie.  She is in jail again, so I imagine her Christmas won't be much fun.  We had the kids each make her a couple Christmas cards and we're sending her one a day until Christmas.  I hope each one brightens her day just a little bit. 

As a total surprise Ben decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for me.  What a sweetie!  The first day he took me to see The Hobbit, the second day I got skittles, the third a scarf, then Almond Roca, then new socks, my favorite breakfast sandwich from McDonalds, slippers, egg nog, danishes, a key finder, and the 12th day he gave me a Kindle HDX!.  I've never been on the receiving end before, but I loved it!

Fun with Willy

Nope, grandpa Willy didn't come for a visit.  We went to the UVU vs. Weber State basketball game and got acquainted with Willy the UVU mascot. Q loved climbing up and down ALL the stairs, the kids got free t-shirts, and liked dancing to the loud music and were even on fan cam a couple times.  Ben and Nick of course enjoyed the actual game.  Fun times!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Student of the Week

Last week Holly was chosen by her teacher as student of the week for being positive and kind to others, for excellence in academics and great behavior.  Congratulations Holly, mommy is so proud!!!
Holly with her principal Alisa Hart

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fresh Homemade Bread

My Grandpa Julien was a baker.  He could bake homemade bread like no other.  He made several loaves a week and delivered them to all his neighbors, and often to our family.  Maybe that is why we never learned to make bread at our house.  Now that grandpa is baking in heaven I decided maybe I should give it a go.  My first loaf didn't turn out so well.  The taste was fine but it didn't rise like it was supposed to.  My second loaf was better, but I added a bit too much flour.  This was my third attempt...

Now that's more like it.  Not perfect, but I think I might be getting the hang of it!  


Spizbee got a little singed the other day.  She chose to spend the day hanging out in the chandelier.  What was she thinking???

Monday, December 9, 2013

His Baby Blues

Hard to say no to this little guy when he looks at me with those sweet blue eyes...

Orange Cream Fudge

Marbled Orange Fudge Recipe

Ben has always loved Scheel's orange cream fudge, so when we heard there was going to be a fudge contest at the ward Christmas party, we found a recipe and made a batch of our own.  It turned out smooth and delicious!

  •  2 1/4 cups sugar
  •  3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  •  1 package white baking chips (10 to 12 ounces)
  •  1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow creme
  •  4 teaspoons orange extract
  •  orange coloring gel
  1. Grease a 13-in. x 9-in. pan with 1-1/2 teaspoons butter; set aside.
  2. In a large heavy saucepan, combine the sugar, cream and remaining butter. Cook and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 4 minutes. Remove from the heat; stir in chips and marshmallow creme until smooth.
  3. Remove 1 cup and set aside. Add orange extract and food coloring to the remaining mixture; stir until blended. Pour into prepared pan. Drop reserved marshmallow mixture by tablespoonfuls over the top; cut through with a knife to swirl. Cover and refrigerate until set. Cut into squares. Yield: about 2-1/2 pounds.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Overheard While in Bed this Morning...

Alyssa:  "I have 409 in my eye"
Holly:  "We HAVE to do our chores"
Tiago:  "shh...we don't want to wake them up"
Ayzha:  "don't walk there, it's still wet"

Without even asking them to do it, the kids mopped the kitchen floor and cleaned their bathroom before Ben and I even got out of bed this morning.  They said they just wanted to make us happy. Well, they succeeded!  Love these kids.

Night at the Museum

Thanks to the Orem Library summer reading program we got to enjoy the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point for mostly free.

Girl's Night Out!

Like I used to do when I was little, I took the girls to the Festival of Trees...
This was their favorite Gingerbread House
"Despicable Me" Gingerbread land
"Rockerfeller Center"
Loved this Christmas tree!!

This one was made entirely by the plastic holders that
hold six pack cans together.    My favorite!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First Snow of the Season

We had our first big snow storm yesterday and as any great step dad would do, Ben took the girls out and buried them in the snow.  They had a blast!

Q was not one bit happy about putting
on all that snow gear.  He didn't really love
the snow either.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Deep down I really love this time of year. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Not for the food or football, but because I love the idea of having a holiday wholly dedicated to giving thanks.  I believe that those who learn to have an "attitude of gratitude" are among the most blessed of all people.  They recognize the blessings they have received and are happy and content.  In our society it can be hard to be like this.  We often compare ourselves to others and see what we lack instead of being grateful for all we have. I'm definitely guilty of this, but I'm trying to do better, and somehow I would like to instill a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation in my children.

On thanksgiving morning Ben and I hit the gym for a Zumba class  It was crowded, but super fun!  (Ben is the best husband ever for going to with me.  Wish I had it on video.) Then we met up with Nick at McDonalds for breakfast.  There were two missionaries ordering food when we walked in, so we payed for theirs too.  I love opportunities like that!  Then we headed up to my parent's house.  This year we just had Qyntn with us for Thanksgiving and we enjoyed a lovely feast with my family.  Thanks to my parents and sisters for the wonderful food.  It was delicious!

Thursday evening we actually went out to do some Christmas shopping.  It was my first experience with "Black Friday,"  although it wasn't even Friday.  We found some good deals at Toys R Us and spent about 45 minutes in line waiting to check out.  Friday morning we went to another Zumba class (much less crowded and even more fun) and then hit up Kmart.  Happy to say that we are just about finished with our Christmas shopping and the presents are wrapped and under the tree, YAY!   Now hopefully I will be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

Friday evening we went to my brother's house for pizza, ice cream and ping pong.  Good times!

Ben won the family ping pong tournament...
these are his winnings.